What compensation can you get if you’re suffering from a brain injury?

The human brain is the body’s main control. It sends signals throughout the central nervous system for both voluntary and involuntary actions.
However, it only takes a single bump or jolt to harm this organ. A careless car accident or fall at work can even leave a person with permanent brain damage.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be mild, moderate, or severe. Any damage to the brain can leave lasting effects. Further, the costs to treat these types of injuries add up quickly. Those suffering from burn injuries should consider seeking legal help. These are the types of compensation available to TBI victims:

Medical Bills

According to the CDC, 1.5 million Americans sustain a TBI each year. Of those, 230,00 are hospitalized for treatment, and another 80,000 experience long-term disability. Treating a TBI is a lengthy and costly process. No two injuries present in the same manner, and even after diagnosis, a patient may need follow-up care.

Medical costs associated with brain injuries include hospitalization, surgery, rehabilitation, and outpatient therapy. Prescription drugs also add to the total. An injury lawyer will seek monetary damages for all past, current, and future medical bills.

Lost Wages

Many TBI victims are in the prime of their lives. They go to work each day to provide for their families, but this type of life-changing injury may leave them unable to work. They end up losing much-needed income due to someone else’s negligence. Over 60 percent of TBI patients are unemployed two years following the incident. Some are able to return to work in either full or limited capacity, but many end up permanently disabled.

TBI victims are eligible for monetary compensation for all lost wages. This doesn’t just include monies lost due to taking time off work. Victims should also be compensated if they are unable to reenter the workforce or have a reduced income as a result of their brain injury. An attorney will present the facts to prove how much the judge should award.

Other Financial Losses

Not every bill after a TBI is medical. Victims often find themselves making costly repairs to damaged property, such as their car or home. Some may need to modify their living situation to make it handicap accessible. Others may spend out-of-pocket for vocational training. Even the cost of housekeeping while the patient was immobile may qualify for compensation.

Some brain injuries victims don’t have a happy ending. Many lose their lives as a result of the accident. In these cases, a lawyer will also keep compensation for funeral expenses.

Pain and Suffering

Sometimes the effects of a brain injury are harder to see. However, a TBI can negatively impact a person’s daily life and mental well-being. There is a direct correlation between closed-head injuries and increased depression and anxiety. Some victims also notice a decline in their cognitive skills. Many end up losing their zest for life.

It’s tricky to put a price on a person’s pain and suffering, but they shouldn’t have to suffer in vain. That’s why lawyers often seek monetary compensation for these types of non-economic damages. They will demonstrate how the injury negatively affected their client. After all, a person’s emotional and mental health is just as important as their physical health.

Seeking Monetary Compensation Following a TBI

Anyone dealing with a TBI following an accident should speak to a lawyer about their rights. Victims may be eligible for a range of monetary damages. Presenting the facts in court will ensure the judge awards the most compensation for their injuries.

Read more:
What compensation can you get if you’re suffering from a brain injury?