What To Consider When Picking Internal Communication Tools

Do you need to pick or change the existing internal communication tools in your business or organization? Well, you should know the constants that should remain in place.
As your organization changes, your internal communications methods should change too. With newer technology, expanding workforce and contract and exploration of new business avenues, you need to have the right methods of communicating with your employees. Here are the constants you need to keep in mind when it comes to internal communications tools for your employees.
1. Access Across A Range Of Devices
A simple organization has different employees in varied roles. Some work on their desks, others are customer-facing and others work in production lines, warehouses or on the field. The internal communication tools should serve all these various employees. A good internal communication system should be accessible on shared computers, tablets and cellphones.
2. Tailored Communication
Rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, you should personalize all news. That way, that information will be unique to a specific user. You can tailor your employees’ homepage or provide customized content for various types of employees to guarantee a personalized user experience. As such, workers can receive the relevant information thereby increasing engagement.
3. Change Comms
Is your business undergoing a change or facing a crisis? Do you need to reach your staff out-of-office hours? Do you need to provide regular updates? Well, you need to use a single source of credible truth to provide all essential information. You should have an internal communication strategy that allows you to plan for every eventuality. It should be simple, easily searchable and have centralized access to procedures, policies, protocols and much more for anyone in your organization in the event of anything.
4. Communication Across Traditional Boundaries
Most organizations face a problem with siloing. Along the way, your organization will face a lot of issues if there is a restriction of communication or any sharing of information across offices, departments and countries. Your internal communication system should be able to connect staff to each other regardless of where they work. It should allow collaboration and encourage your workers to look to other areas in the organization for inspiration, help and discovery. The communication system in place should de-silo skills and people by opening them up to everyone through conversation, visibility and easy connection.
5. One Source Of Truth
Many organizations often have a neglected and confusing digital workplace. When staff are leaving yet there is no accountability or governance, it’s easy enough for regulations, policies, data and other important company information to be replaced, duplicated and altered. Without management of these critical items, a lot of organizations have exposed themselves to risk. Also, note that employees have a hard time acquiring the right information thereby resulting in mistakes. Whatever method you use to position your communication should be well managed with an easy-to-use interface and a great search option. Make sure that your platform is the one source of truth to make it easier to adopt in the organization.
6. Rich Content
Yes, most people will read your content but there are better and more effective media you can use when you are planning to make an impact. Video, podcasts, infographics and PowerPoint presentations should always be in hostable formations in your internal communications plan. They should easily take your message to make it easy to digest and more engaging . Even better, it should be much better than the written word. Make sure your internal communications tools support rich formats with the best user experience.
7. Employee Interaction
For any internal communications method to be truly effective, it should always be a 2-way street. Your employees should be able to comment and discuss your communications so they are updated and engage with them accordingly. Make sure that your internal communication tools allow your users to leave comments, tag people, ask questions and explore the information further with peers and management accordingly.
Use these tips to come up with a great communication strategy for your business!
Read more:
What To Consider When Picking Internal Communication Tools