Sales Targets: You’re doing it all wrong

There’s something a lot of business owners get wrong about sales targets . It’s simply this: They usually misunderstand the reason for setting these important targets. And in doing so, they miss all the important stuff. The stuff that helps them achieve spectacular sales results, month after month and year after year.

Here’s why you need to set sales targets, along with 13 examples.

Why sales targets are essential

The reason you need sales targets is to improve the sales effectiveness of your business.

Not to motivate you to work harder.

Not to motivate you to do more of the same, only faster.

Not to treat it like the daily steps target on your smartphone app.


You need to make changes in order to:

Improve your knowledge of the marketing strategies and tactics that work best today.

Improve the quality of prospects you attract .

Improve the story people in your marketplace have, when they talk about your business.

Improve how you measure the sales-effectiveness of your marketing activities.

Improve the commercial value of your contact network.

Improve the experience of doing business with you.

Improve the way your business looks to the outside world. Design, photos, use of social media, etc.

Improve your marketing response rates.

Improve your awareness of the problems your prospects are most concerned about.

Improve the way you handle inbound enquiries from prospects.

Improve how visible you are to your target market.

Improve the number of advocates your business has.

Improve your marketing decision making.

And carry on improving, until you get the maximum return from all your marketing and sales efforts. When you do, you’ll start to benefit from compound marketing. Compound marketing does for your sales results, what compound interest does for your money. It grows at an accelerating rate.

When it happens, your business will experience exponential growth. So set those sales targets, and let them inspire you to make the improvements required. You have everything to gain.
Sales Targets: You’re doing it all wrong was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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