11 signs you’re doing better in life than you think

By | Daniel Mabanta | hackspirit.com
In this post-pandemic, social media-obsessed world, it’s hard not to feel down every now and then. 
A quick scroll through your reels and it seems like everyone’s living the perfect life while you’re still trying to figure things out. 
But trust me, everything truly is relative at the end of the day. And I hate to be that guy, but sometimes you really do have to count your blessings. As long as certain needs are being met, you may be doing a lot better in life than you think. 
So, I’ve put together a list of 10 signs that are a strong indication that you may well be doing much better in life than you feel. Let’s get into it!
1) You’re pursuing your passions 
Sure, you may not own the latest Mercedes or your debt situation might be stressing you out, but if you are in a position where you can still fulfill your  passions  career-wise then you’re in a pretty good place. 
Most people work in tedious and boring jobs strictly to pay the bills and not much else. 
Trust me, as someone who has worked his share of empty desk jobs, it’s been a struggle.
If you work in a field that you genuinely enjoy, then you’re already way better off the most people. 
2) You’re in good health
This is a big one. Maybe things aren’t as rosy as they could be or once were but as long as you have your health intact, then you’re in good shape… literally. 
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