10 things you don’t realize you’re doing that limit your potential

By | Roselle Umlas | hackspirit.com
A couple of years ago, I was feeling stuck in my life. I was working hard, but I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I couldn’t understand why. 
Until I realized something – I was unknowingly doing things that were limiting my potential. 
I’ve since learned to overcome these obstacles, and I’m here to help you do the same if you’re struggling with this issue.
So, let’s dive into 10 sneaky things you may be doing that are holding you back and keeping you from being your best version! 
1) Not setting clear goals
One of the biggest things I realized in my own journey is this – I was stuck in a dead-end job, but the problem was, I didn’t know where I wanted to go. I was at a loss about what I wanted to do. 
So basically, I was letting the days play out, blurring into one another, all looking the same because there was nothing to look forward to. 
I mean, what was I aiming for, exactly? 
That was my turning point. I had to quickly figure out what exactly I wanted to do with my life. What was my purpose? What would I love to do every single day so that life feels meaningful? 
Once I figured that out, the road became clear. It certainly didn’t look easy, but at least now I had a compass guiding me. Everything I did, every task I lined up for myself all served to nudge me closer to my goals. 
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