can we talk about GOOD companies for a change?

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager .
It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes:
I work for a large company that, when I started, I thought was going to be really great. It isn’t. It is the opposite of great. On an almost daily basis, I am blown away by how cruel this company is to its workforce. What makes this worse is how, publicly, the company makes a big to-do about just how wonderful it is to work for. I feel gaslit. Mass layoffs are coming sometime in the next few weeks, but we don’t know when, and everyone’s morale is in the toilet. We’re all depressed, scared, and frustrated.
Which is what’s led me to write in today: I would love to hear stories from your wonderful community of readers about companies that are GOOD. I want to hear about companies that have gone above and beyond for their employees. Companies that embrace truly being great to work for. Certainly no workplace is perfect, but there has to be better than this … and I am hoping the AAM community has some positivity to share.
This is something we don’t get a chance to talk about a lot here, because advice columns by their nature deal in problems. So readers, let’s hear some specifics about good companies and what you’ve seen from them. The comment section is open.
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