14 habits of people who are masters at reading others

By | Jelena Dincic | hackspirit.com
Have you noticed how some people seem to have an almost superhuman ability to read others?
While some people can’t seem to pick up on the most obvious social cues, these masters of reading others can tell how someone is feeling, what they’re thinking, and even guess their intentions without the other person having to say anything. 
So, what’s their secret? Are they mind readers?
No, they’re not!
In fact, by picking up a few habits, you too could become a master reader!
From being observant to being skilled at reading non-verbal cues, we’re gonna take a look at 14 habits people who are masters at reading others have.
Let’s dive right in!
1) They are observant
The first habit I need to point out about master readers is just  how observant they are . That means that they don’t walk around glued to their phone screens – texting their friends or constantly checking their social media.
They also don’t have headphones blasting away, leaving them oblivious to the sounds surrounding them.
Instead, they pay close attention to their surroundings and the people they’re interacting with. They notice everything from what someone is wearing to their facial expressions and their body language.
So if you want to learn to read others, start by being present and aware of what’s going on around you. That brings me to my next point…
2) They actively listen
People who excel at reading others are active listeners.
Active listening  means really hearing what is being said so that you can understand where the other person is coming from.
This is super important if you want to understand someone’s motives, beliefs, and general attitude to life.
But active listening isn’t just about hearing what is being said. It’s also about trying to figure out the real and often  hidden meaning behind  what is being said. 
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