A Message for Out-of-Touch CEOs: It’s Time for Emotional Intelligence in the C-Suite

“I had an old boss who said to me one time, ‘You can visit pity city, but you can’t live there.’ So people, leave pity city, let’s get it done.” So said MillerKnoll CEO Andi Owen in a video to her employees.

Here’s the thing: I agree with this message. It is not good to sit around and mope. And, in a rather appropriate coincidence, my thought-a-day calendar had this thought for today from Hugo Montoya: “We can sit back and wait for circumstances to change on their own, or we can look for and bring about new circumstances.”

The principle is good; the context in which Owen used this statement makes it completely inappropriate. The context is that Owen received a large bonus, but there was no money for her staff. They had a right to be in pity city with that attitude.
To keep reading, click here: A Message for Out-of-Touch CEOs: It’s Time for Emotional Intelligence in the C-Suite

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