A step-by-step guide to getting started with Jobs to be Done

By | Thrvsoftware
Jobs to be Done (JTBD) is a framework used to understand the underlying motivations that drive customers to buy a product or service. It is a way of thinking that can help businesses develop products and services that meet their customers’ needs more effectively. JTBD has gained popularity in recent years, and many businesses are now using this approach to improve their product development and marketing strategies.
If you’re interested in getting started with JTBD, here is a step-by-step guide to help you understand the basics of this approach.
Step 1: Identify the Job
The first step in using JTBD is to identify the job that your product or service is hired to do. A job is a task or goal that a customer is trying to achieve. It is important to understand that customers don’t buy products or services; they hire them to get a job done.
To identify the job, you need to ask yourself: What task or goal is the customer trying to accomplish by using my product or service? For example, a customer who buys a drill isn’t buying the drill itself; they are hiring the drill to make a hole in a wall.
Step 2: Define the Job
Once you have identified the job, the next step is to define it more precisely. This involves understanding the context in which the job is being performed, the outcome the customer is trying to achieve, and the constraints and obstacles they face.
To define the job, you need to ask yourself: What is the context in which the job is being performed? What outcome is the customer trying to achieve? What are the constraints and obstacles they face in getting the job done? For example, a customer who is hiring a drill to make a hole in a wall may be doing so to hang a picture, but they may also face obstacles such as not having the right size drill bit or not knowing how to use the drill.
Step 3: Segment Customers
The next step is to segment customers based on the jobs they are trying to get done. This involves identifying different customer segments based on the different jobs they hire your product or service to do.
To segment customers, you need to ask yourself: What are the different jobs that customers hire my product or service to do? What are the different customer segments that hire my product or service for different jobs? For example, customers who hire a drill to make a hole in a wall may include DIY enthusiasts, professional contractors, and homeowners.
Step 4: Develop Personas
Once you have segmented your customers based on the jobs they are trying to get done, the next step is to develop personas for each segment. Personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers that help you understand their needs, motivations, and behaviors.
To develop personas, you need to ask yourself: Who are the customers in each segment? What are their goals, needs, and motivations? What are their pain points and challenges? For example, a DIY enthusiast who hires a drill to make a hole in a wall may have different needs, motivations, and pain points than a professional contractor who hires a drill for the same job.
Step 5: Develop Solutions
The final step is to develop solutions that meet the needs of each customer segment for the job they are trying to get done. This involves creating products or services that are designed specifically to help customers achieve their goals and overcome their obstacles.
To develop solutions, you need to ask yourself: What are the specific needs and pain points of each customer segment for the job they are trying to get done? What features or capabilities do they need to achieve their goals? What obstacles do they face, and how can we help them overcome these obstacles? For example, a DIY enthusiast who hires a drill to make a hole in a wall may need a drill with a range of drill bit sizes and an easy-to-use instruction manual, while a professional contractor may need a more powerful and durable drill that can handle heavy use on construction sites.
Benefits of Using Jobs to be Done
By using Jobs to be Done, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and develop products and services that meet their needs more effectively. Here are some of the benefits of using this approach:

Customer-Centric Approach: JTBD helps businesses focus on the customer’s needs and goals rather than on the features of their product or service.
Competitive Advantage: By understanding the jobs that customers are trying to get done, businesses can develop products and services that are better suited to their needs, giving them a competitive advantage over other companies.
Improved Marketing: JTBD can help businesses develop more effective marketing messages that resonate with their customers by focusing on the outcomes that customers are trying to achieve.
Innovation: By understanding the jobs that customers are trying to get done, businesses can identify new product and service opportunities that they may have otherwise overlooked.

Jobs to be Done is a powerful framework for understanding customer needs and developing products and services that meet those needs more effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and develop solutions that help them achieve their goals more easily. With JTBD, businesses can create a customer-centric approach that leads to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability.
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