22 ways to give yourself a much-needed mental break

By | Thomas Oppong | www.theladders.com
Many people are caught up “doing” so much that they don’t have time to stop, take a productive break, and enjoy the necessary downtime.
Productive and effective people often resist their natural rhythms.
They believe they should push on when they’re tired, try harder when they’re exhausted, stay behind their desks for another hour instead of calling it a day.
But this approach can be harmful. Unending stimulation hampers the capacity for thought. The mind restores brain energy in idleness. Give it the time it needs to keep delivering at it’s best.
Virginia Woolf once said, “My mind works in idleness. To do nothing is often my most profitable way.”
This year, especially at this time of the year, give yourself permission to relax. Mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity.
It pays to take a break, clear your head, go for a walk — take some time out. Enjoy the holiday. Spend quality time with your loved ones. Enjoy your favorite downtime activity.
To do nothing is not laziness. It’s a productive pause.
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