15 unmistakable qualities of a bad manager

By | Linda Le Phan | www.theladders.com
There’s a quite popular saying that goes: “Employees don’t quit their jobs, they quit their managers.” And there’s a lot of truth in that saying if you think about it.
Your manager – or boss – typically has a HUGE influence on what your job actually looks like from day-to-day, how you feel about coming into work, and what your career path will be in the foreseeable future. Your relationship with them is so crucial that  you  often have to manage  them  to some extent too, as an employee, to keep things going smoothly (read about  how to manage your manager – and yes it’s a thing ).
We can’t say that this popular saying (that people quit managers, not jobs) is 100% true at all times though: there are many different things that impact any  employee’s happiness at work , plus studies have shown that there are other reasons besides their manager that are just as  likely to drive employees to quit . But all things considered, you still can’t overlook the impact your manager typically has on your work-life. It couldn’t be more true than if you’re so unlucky as to have a  bad  manager.
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