8 reasons why people with complex personalities are so easily misjudged

By | Louise Jackson | hackspirit.com
Straightforward people are usually the easiest to understand.
They’re simple, and I don’t mean that as an insult. I just mean there’s not too much to try to figure out about them.
Complex personalities on the other hand aren’t always so clear-cut. They can leave people unsure.
And when we’re unsure, it’s very easy to misunderstand.
That means people with complex personalities are often easily misjudged.
What is a complex personality?
Before we dive into the reasons why people with complex personalities are so easily misjudged let’s briefly clarify what we mean by “complex”.
Whilst there isn’t a technical definition, as the name suggests, it’s someone who operates on lots of levels.
There is a depth to their character, and that depth incorporates many different rich elements.
You may be:

Very sensitive
A deep thinker
Highly creative
Very intelligent
Incredibly curious

But with every yin, there is a yang, and  complex personalities also have their challenges along with their blessings .
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