Hannover Messe 2023: Indonesian Businesses Open Opportunities for Development of Industrial Waste Treatment Technology and Circular Economy

The Hannover Messe 2023 exhibition is a great opportunity for Indonesia to achieve its goal of being among the top 10 strongest economies in the world by 2030. It is hoped that Indonesia’s participation as Hannover Messe 2023 Official Partner Country will broaden and open up new cooperation prospects for the co-exhibitors, according to Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.
Regarding these prospects, there is currently a fast-growing trend worldwide for waste and food segregation solutions for the food and beverage industry as well as other industries. Hannover Messe 2023 is intended to foster breakthrough in the form of digital transformation and climate-neutrality with the participation of company representatives from the sustainable technology sector. Therefore, Indonesia’s economic potential to be able to compete worldwide will be significantly boosted by the synergy between digitization and environmental sustainability.
MARS-ENVOTEC, a technology firm with offices in Singapore and Germany, expressed interest in working with the Indonesian Food & Beverage Industry Association (GAPMMI), one of the co-exhibitors at the Hannover Messe 2023. In a business meeting, Monday (17/4) Hannover time, MARS-ENVOTEC agreed to support the circular economy industry by developing technology and knowledge related to the recycling process.
MARS-ENVOTEC offers innovative and holistic solutions for the widespread application of advanced waste transformation technologies such that waste materials can be converted back into clean and renewable energy. MARS-ENVOTEC CEO Sven Ische said the company plans to apply waste management solutions from upstream to downstream to make synthetic fuels and other green energy products from municipal waste, plastics and organics in Indonesia. “With the establishment of this collaboration with GAPMMI, Indonesia will be the first country in Asia to have the opportunity to use recycling equipment and green energy from MARS-ENVOTEC,” he said.
Asia Pacific MARS-ENVOTEC Managing Director, Bambang Indrawan said, the first zero-emission factories in Indonesia have been constructed in Pekanbaru and Lombok. Additionally, MARS-ENVOTEC will collaborate with the Ministry of Industry’s PIDI 4.0 (Center for Digital Industry 4.0) as an expert in the fields of renewable energy and waste management.
Eko S.A. Cahyanto, Director General of Industrial Resilience, Regions and International Access, stated on this occasion that the Ministry of Industry will keep encouraging the advancement of industrial technology and those who support it. Moreover, organizing this recycling industry cooperation can be Indonesia’s first step in meeting the needs of a circular economy and net zero carbon emissions.
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