How Effective is Online Learning?

Since time immemorial, education has only been associated with traditional on-campus learning. It is only since 2020 that the world would even consider the possibility of online education.
What apparently started out as a need of the hour has quickly become a way of life, at least for many Americans. According to this study , the worldwide e-learning market is expected to reach $686.9 billion by the year 2030.
Students are joyfully pursuing online graduate programs full-time. But how effective is such an approach to education ? It is only possible to decide after weighing the pros and cons. So, let’s delve into it.
Compelling Reasons to Choose Online Learning
First, let’s start with the many benefits of pursuing online graduate school programs.
1.       Greater Course Flexibility
One major reason why students choose distance learning is the time flexibility it offers. Since a student’s physical presence is not required, they are free to create their personal schedule.
Not only that but students are also free to learn at their own pace because most lectures are recorded. Some universities, such as Spalding University, take their online graduate school programs a step further by arranging fieldwork experiences tailored to the learner’s desired practice.
2.       The Opportunity to Learn and Earn
Another compelling reason to invest in an online graduate program is the opportunity to work while learning. Many online learners are working professionals, even full-time.
Even if you’re not currently working, distance education does offer the opportunity to earn and learn. This will help you with college-related expenses.
3.       Wide Variety of Options to Choose From
Since students are not bound by geographical boundaries in the case of online learning, the entire world is at their disposal. Students are free to pursue their desired course from any country or university of their choice.
This is, of course, dependent upon whether or not a particular university offers online learning options. This is also helpful if the student plans to relocate sometime in the future. They need not worry about transferring to a new university!
4.       Chance to Become Tech-Savvy
Most online courses are built on highly sophisticated platforms. Students must access study materials online, attend online lectures, participate in online interactions and forums, and submit assignments through websites.
Regular use of advanced technology helps in making students more tech-savvy.
Some Drawbacks of Online Education
While there are several compelling reasons to pursue online education, there could also be some drawbacks involved. These include –
1.       Lack of Student Accountability
One reason why some people discourage online courses is the high risk of procrastination. This is primarily because students learn on a self-imposed schedule.
It is important to stay focused and maintain discipline in terms of class attendance, daily assignments, etc. Students who are driven and motivated will benefit much from distance education.
2.       Concerns Regarding Quality
Online learning is highly popular. However, many people raise concerns regarding the education quality of such programs. This is mainly because of “diploma mills” that lure students and provide fake degrees.
Thankfully, there is a way to break through this bias. You must ensure you pursue an online degree from a good accredited institution, be it domestic or abroad. Institutions like Spalding University ensure their online graduate school programs are at par with in-classroom education.
Even the curriculum in such institutions is innovative and results-oriented.
3.       Overwhelming Study Materials
The thing about online learning is that it is self-directed. While this is beneficial, there may be a downside. This concept of education is not suitable for students who require individual professor attention.
Online learning offers a student the tools and knowledge needed to carry out self-directed learning. But if the student needs special attention for complex aspects of the coursework, they must bring this to the professor’s notice.
They may still receive proper guidance through video conferencing, online chat rooms, etc.
Is Online Education Your Cup of Tea?
Research suggests that the future of learning is largely digital. Mobile-friendly content distribution will rise further. As for online graduate education, they will become highly diversified .
As technology advances, so will the scope of an online degree. This will open doors for greater learning opportunities in multi-dimensional courses. When there is the chance to pick up a skill or even pursue entire courses from the comfort of your home, why not take advantage of it?
So, are you ready to jump onto the online learning bandwagon?
The post How Effective is Online Learning? appeared first on The HR Gazette and HRchat Podcast .

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