Brands That Matter: Application deadline extended to April 28

The application deadline for Fast Company‘s Brands That Matter recognition program has been extended to April 28, 2023.

We first introduced Brands That Matter in 2021 with the goal to recognize companies and nonprofits of all shapes and sizes that have achieved relevance through cultural impact or social engagement while authentically communicating their brand’s mission. Check out last year’s honorees here.

If your brand is connecting with customers in a meaningful way, then we want to hear from you! All applicants across each category will be judged on relevancy, cultural currency, ingenuity, and business impact.

We’re particularly interested in learning why your brand matters by telling the story of its work and results over the past year. This isn’t a lifetime achievement award, although we do take historical context into consideration. We also recognize that the measuring stick for a new startup is different from that for a global icon. The important thing is to be as specific as possible in sharing details about your brand’s impact.

To give you the best shot, check out this update on how to put together a stellar application and what we’re looking for in the entries.

Brands That Matter 2023 will be published this October, and you can get more info and apply here.