15 Employee Shout Outs For Giving Thanks to Your Coworkers In 2023

Your team works hard to help your business succeed. Many businesses are built by tiny pieces, with a large team contributing bit-by-bit.
This can make it hard for your employees to see the individual impact they have and the good they do for your business.
That’s why it’s important to keep morale high and your employees engaged with frequent employee shout outs for their great work.

An employee shout out is a way to thank individual staff members or entire teams for the hard work they do . In fact, shout outs can go a long way toward making your team members feel appreciated—according to Survey Monkey, 63% of employees who receive recognition are unlikely to see a new job and 82% of workers consider recognition to be an important part of their happiness at work.
According to Survey Monkey, 63% of employees who receive recognition are unlikely to see a new job and 82% of workers consider recognition to be an important part of their happiness at work. Click To Tweet
Get your team motivated, increase retention, and keep employee engagement high with personal shout outs! Read on to learn 14 employee shout outs for giving thanks to your coworkers in 2023!

What is an employee shout out?
An employee shout out is a way to show your team members, whether individually or as a group, that you appreciate their hard work.
A shout out can be based on a single big win, for ongoing progress, or just because you feel like they deserve it! There are also countless ways to deliver a shout out: privately, publicly, in-person, online, with a gift… you just need to decide what will be the most impactful way to give your employees a well-deserved shout out for their good work.
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