‘Digital’ Catalyses Productivity Efficiency of Field Workforce

Digitisation of field operations can revolutionise the way businesses operate, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings. By equipping the field team with mobile devices, implementing cloud-based systems, deploying IoT devices, using data analytics and machine learning, implementing virtual assistance and online collaboration, businesses can streamline their operations and improve customer satisfaction. These digital tools allow real-time access to data and facilitate communication and collaboration between teams. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can optimise their operations, reduce downtime, and gain a competitive edge in their respective markets.
How Digital Technologies are Bringing Efficiency in Field-Employees’ Productivity
Digital technologies are bringing significant improvements to the productivity of field employees by enabling them to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Here are some ways digital technologies are bringing efficiency in field-employees’ productivity:

Mobile Devices: Field employees are equipped with mobile devices that allow them to access real-time data and perform tasks on the go. These devices help field employees stay connected with the head office and customers, access work orders, and manage their schedules. This increases their productivity by eliminating the need for manual processes and reducing downtime.
Automation: Digital technologies can automate several tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and reporting. This reduces the workload of field employees, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks that require their expertise.
Internet of Things (IoT) Devices: IoT devices, such as sensors and GPS trackers, can provide real-time data on equipment usage, inventory levels, and environmental conditions. This enables field employees to make data-driven decisions and optimise their operations.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies can provide field employees with hands-free access to critical information and tools. This allows them to perform complex tasks more efficiently and effectively.
Cloud-based Systems: Cloud-based systems enable real-time access to data and facilitate collaboration between field employees and the head office. This improves communication and reduces downtime.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI technologies, such as machine learning, can help field employees make better decisions by analysing data and identifying patterns. This can improve the accuracy of forecasting and enable predictive maintenance.

Overall, digital technologies are transforming the way field employees work, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively. By leveraging mobile devices, automation, IoT devices, AR and VR, cloud-based systems, and AI, businesses can improve the productivity of their field employees, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
Bringing Intelligence in Field Force Management
Business Intelligence (BI) can play a crucial role in Field Force Management (FFM) by providing insights into the performance of the field team, identifying areas of improvement, and optimizing the allocation of resources. FFM involves managing the activities of a mobile workforce that interacts with customers in the field, such as sales representatives, service technicians, or delivery drivers.
Here are some ways BI can be applied in FFM:

Performance tracking: BI can provide real-time visibility into the performance of the field team, such as the number of customer visits, time spent with each customer, and the number of sales made. This can help managers identify underperforming employees and take corrective actions to improve their productivity.
Route optimization: BI can help optimize the routes taken by field teams, reducing travel time and fuel costs. By analyzing historical data, such as customer locations and traffic patterns, BI algorithms can suggest the most efficient routes for the field team to take.
Customer segmentation: BI can help segment customers based on their purchasing behavior, demographics, or other characteristics. This can help managers allocate field resources more effectively by targeting high-value customers or identifying new market opportunities.
Inventory management: BI can help manage inventory levels in the field, ensuring that the field team has the right products or equipment to serve customers. By analyzing data on customer demand and inventory levels, BI algorithms can suggest optimal inventory levels and reorder points.
Sales forecasting: BI can help forecast future sales based on historical data and market trends. This can help managers plan resources and adjust sales targets accordingly.

BI can provide valuable insights into the performance of the field team, helping managers optimize their operations and improve customer satisfaction.
Overall, digital technologies are transforming the way field employees work, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively. By leveraging mobile devices, automation, IoT devices, AR and VR, cloud-based systems, and AI, businesses can improve the productivity of their field employees, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
Technology can significantly optimise the output of field workforce by providing them with real-time data, automation, and collaboration tools. Here are some ways technology can help businesses optimise the output of their field workforce:

Real-time Data: Equipping field employees with mobile devices and IoT sensors enables them to access real-time data on inventory levels, customer information, and equipment performance. This information helps them to make informed decisions and optimise their operations.
Collaboration: Collaboration tools such as online messaging and video conferencing enable field employees to communicate and collaborate with their colleagues and the head office in real-time. This improves coordination and reduces downtime.
Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics tools can use data to forecast demand, equipment failures, and other factors that can impact field operations. This enables businesses to plan better and optimise their resources.

Overall, technology can significantly optimise the output of field workforce by providing them with real-time data, automation, collaboration tools, predictive analytics, and AI technologies. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can improve the productivity of their field workforce, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.
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Pankaj Tripathi, Business Head- Presence 360, Staqo World Pvt. Ltd.
Presence360 helps businesses in their day-to-day operations such as Task Management, Raising Requests and approval on the go, Team management, Better Planning and execution of their day,  etc. Presence360 has a specialised and dedicated offering for Fieldforce Productivity.
The author of this article is Mr Pankaj Tripathi, Head of Business Development – Enterprise & Channel Sales of Presence 360 by Staqo  
The post ‘Digital’ Catalyses Productivity Efficiency of Field Workforce appeared first on SMEStreet .