Mental Health Awareness Month Ideas For Work [Updated May 2023]

Since 1949, the month of May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month.
It’s one full month of the year, specifically allocated to highlighting the struggles we face when it comes to our mental health, as well as the multitude of stigmas attached. And in case you didn’t realize, May is right around the corner.

This raises the question of how to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month at work. One of our favorite ways is by sending each of your employees a Mindfulness Box this year!
Do you plan an educational wellness event or a mindfulness activity?
Maybe find speakers interested in sharing information on some of the free mental health support services and facilities available to them. There are countless education programs, mental health awareness activities, and self-care professionals out there to choose from.
But you don’t want to just throw an event together for the sake of checking a box. This topic is serious – impacting millions of Americans each day – and deserves its due respect.
To help get you started on your plan for coordinating some stellar mental health activities, we’ve collected 20 positively purposeful Mental Health Awareness Month ideas for work. Try one or plan a few each week to take an active role in educating and genuinely supporting your employees’ mental health.
What is Mental Health Awareness Month?
Mental Health Awareness Month is one full month each year that’s dedicated to shining a spotlight on mental health conditions, concerns, disabilities, and treatments. It’s 31 days committed to educating, having genuine conversations, and opening up about how these issues affect us 24/7/365.
When is Mental Health Awareness Month in 2023?
The entire month of May is considered Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s 31 days / 744 hours / 44,640 minutes / 2,678,400 seconds packed with education, ideas, stories, and supportive conversations.
20 Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month At Work
  1   Institute a no-contact time after work

Decompressing from the day is often overlooked and frankly, undervalued. Having just 10-15 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted time after work can be a cathartic reset – even better than happy hour. No phone. No notifications. No interruptions. Spend this time listening to music, meditating, reading, or whatever it is that soothes the soul and eases the mind.
How this idea supports mental health at work: We tend to feel that we’re “too busy” to take a time-out. But sometimes, that’s exactly what’s necessary – little pauses to help digest the day so tomorrow isn’t as clouded.
Tip: Encourage your employees to take the time to work on their mental health with these self-care printable activities .
Mental Health Planner Printable Bundle
  2   Send out mindfulness care packages

Being mindful isn’t always instinctual. Sometimes we need a little help to separate from everything going on around us. That’s just where this self-care toolkit comes into play. The employee care experts at Caroo even curate care packages to help employees recharge after a long day of work.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Having healthy snacks on hand helps beat those daily slumps that can make our minds wander. And the premium gifts included in the gift boxes can be used in the office, at home, or wherever your employee is working. Explore the gifting catalog to find wellness gifts for your employees!
  3   Create an employee recognition thread on your company’s recognition platform

Acknowledgements no matter how large or small, improve morale , increase engagement , and contribute to positive mental health. Employees who are shown appreciation feel more valued, and valued employees are happier. An employee recognition thread allows everyone to infuse a little appreciation into their workday and let each other know how they impact others.
How this idea supports mental health at work: According to the National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace , recognition is one of thirteen contributing factors to employees’ psychological health in the workplace. That’s a pretty direct connection.
Tip: You can send your team members recognition points via a platform like Bonusly that they can redeem for real-life prizes!
  4   Sign up for an email newsletter

There are several free email newsletters that help busy professionals manage their stress levels, practice wellness strategies, and learn tips to improving their mental health at work. These email newsletters for wellness can help you take a few minutes out of your day to learn something new and (hopefully) feel better afterward.
How this idea supports mental health at work: It is a digestible way to learn tips and tricks to managing your workload without having to invest serious $$$ or time into your week. Plus, these email newsletters can provide helpful insights into the workplace that you might not be getting if you work fully remote or hybrid.
Tip! Try these FREE email newsletters to focus on your wellbeing and achieve a healthy work-life balance:

  5   Zen out with a Tea and Mindfulness Experience

Refocus and destress your team members as you whisk them away from their stressful day-to-day responsibilities to a relaxed tranquility with Unboxed Experiences’ Guided Tea & Mindfulness Experience . Participants will learn to brew and taste 3-6 globally sourced loose leaf and flowering teas as they experience a guided mindful eating exercise and goal-setting meditation.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Tea has powerful anti-anxiety effects that can help reduce stress, improve moods, and induce relaxation. Guided mindfulness tastings are fun and can enhance collaboration amongst teams by creating shared experiences. Staff will love receiving branded tea tasting and wellness kits to their homes or workplace prior to their virtual event.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Unboxed Experiences is donating fees from its Tea & Mindfulness Experience to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a leading nonprofit advocacy group for individuals affected by mental illness.
  6   Delete Slack off your phone for May

Slack notifications can be incessant. And if you’re in multiple groups, those notifications could be the soundtrack of your day. Taking a break from the “dings” and conversations can be a nice little reset.
How this idea supports mental health at work: The need to constantly check your notifications is super distracting. When you can focus clearly, things around you aren’t as overwhelming. You can also support your employees and their mental health with this Work Life Balance Kit .
  7   Plan a “bring your dog to work” day
Furry friends visiting the SnackNation office!
Petting a dog releases oxytocin in the brain, which decreases stress levels and initiates an overall feeling of happiness. Sure, it may take some coordination, depending on allergies, how many of your employees have dogs, & how well they play with others. But bringing pets to work, even for just one day, can be a total game-changer.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Having pets in the workplace has been proven to improve moods and increase positivity in employees.
  8   Create a #gratitudewall Slack channel

Turns out, that expressing appreciation in the workplace is just as beneficial as receiving it. On the #gratitude-wall, employees can post their messages of “thanks” to be shared with their team members. Just download the Gratitudely app to your Slack channel and start circulating gratitude in your team.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Employees who express gratitude are found to be more enthusiastic, determined, and optimistic. Making and keeping employees happy is good for both the individuals’ mental health and your organization.
  9   Go on a walk around the neighborhood with your team

This suggestion pays off in layers. You get the obvious health benefits of the walk itself, but your team also gets the chance to chat and connect outside of the office. These walks can help with stress reduction to avoid burnout and some of the other side effects of carrying the weight of the day.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Walking simultaneously provides the contradicting benefits of relaxation and regeneration. A quick trip around the block at lunchtime can reduce anxiety, depression, and fatigue.
  10   Get lunch as a team

Breaking bread as a group is an age-old team-building exercise. Get everyone out of the office for some casual conversations that don’t include topics like contracts and deadlines. These simple outings could be a priceless monthly (or even weekly) addition to your wellness plan .
How this idea supports mental health at work: Team lunches cultivate camaraderie and those friendships make an impact on our overall wellbeing. Working with friends beats the alternative any day of the week.
  11   Throw a watercolor paint party

Participating in artistic activities is well-known to be beneficial to our mental health. Getting into a creative mindset offers emotionally therapeutic properties that can quiet the noise and pause the chaos. Watercolors are especially peaceful in that their hues actually trigger calm, relaxing feelings in the brain.
How this idea supports mental health at work: Painting shifts focus, allowing our brain to slow down and disconnect from the things that disturb our peace. This mindfulness exercise reduces stress, promotes emotional stability, and sharpens memory and concentration. You can even book a host to lead your team through a watercolor paint night!
Is your team is hybrid or fully remote? We have you covered:

Virtual Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month


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