‘They Think They’re Better Than You’: 74% of Managers Surveyed Say Gen Z Is More Difficult to Work With Than Other Generations

By | MADELINE GARFINKLE | www.entrepreneur.com
Age is just a number, but for some managers, one age group stands out as more difficult than others.
A  survey of 1,344 managers and business leaders by ResumeBuilder said 74% of managers find Gen Z harder to work with than other generations, while 49% said they found Gen Z difficult to work with all or most of the time.
Respondents named lack of technological skills (39%), motivation (37%), and effort (37%) as the top reasons for managers being disappointed with  Gen Z ‘s work performance. Other reasons were poor communication skills (36%) and being easily offended (35%).
“In our organization, the Gen Zs I have interacted with can be exhausting because they lack discipline, and they like to challenge you,” Akpan Ukeme, head of HR at SGK Global Shipping Services, said in the report. “They think they’re better than you, smarter than you, more capable than you, and they will tell you to your face.”
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