Marketing and CGB

Victor DePasqual, April 26, 2023 Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Victor DePasqual, and I’m thrilled to be the new Marketing Coordinator for the Texas McCombs Center for Global Business. I’m excited for the opportunity to grow the already upward-trending CGB, and to open a fresh dialogue with alumni, advisory board members, donors and many more, so together, we can grow this community into not only something educational and engaging, but a tool that informs the biggest audience possible about the success and satisfaction they can find in international business today. In college I studied communications, not because I wanted to go into marketing or public relations, but because I wanted to be in the film business. I wanted to make movies. When I got out of college, I didn’t have a set path in front of me. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go, or what the right moves to make were with my newly minted degree. Like many today, my journey after college took turns to destinations I never thought I’d go, some great, some not so great, but I would fins myself lucky enough to realize my dream of being in the film business. Zilker Park and Downtown — Austin, TX I worked in film production in Austin, Texas, for over a decade, and in that time, I found marketing to be something I truly enjoyed. Creating campaigns from scribbles on a piece of paper to gigantic, multi-pronged global strategies that executed million-dollar contracts was invigorating and satisfying. I would hold onto this love as I moved into my next chapter, which would be a surprise even for me. I had never worked in academia, but during the first year of COVID, when the job market tightened, I was able to land a position at Texas State University as an administrator in charge of events, marketing, communications and brand management. It was there I would learn the ins and outs of messaging to students, faculty, staff and alumni. It challenged me to come up with ways to engage students, reignite their excitement for their major and connect them with recruiters. McCombs School of Business — University of Texas Austin Those skills and that knowledge landed me another dream job of mine, working right here at The University of Texas. I can’t wait to see where my journey with the Center for Global Business will take me, and I look forward to collaboration and engagement with all of you to push CGB to the next level. Written by Victor DePasqual