News Anchor Yamiche Alcindor Announces Pregnancy After Long IVF Journey

Yamiche Alcindor is proudly announcing her pregnancy after years of IVF.
To celebrate the announcement, the NBC correspondent penned a personal essay in TODAY to encourage other women experiencing challenges while trying to conceive.
“It is the most incredible, exciting, life-affirming thing for me […] especially because it comes after years of disappointment, ugly crying, and carrying around a deep sense of shame that my body couldn’t do what everyone else’s body seemed to do so easily,” she wrote.
Alcindor got candid about her four-year journey to conception that included “rounds and rounds of IVF” and “hoping, and praying, and deeply wanting more than anything else in this world to be pregnant and to bring home a healthy baby.”
The honesty continued as Alcindor shared the personal “shame” she felt having to use IVF to conceive.
“There was a deep shame that I had to use science to help my body have a baby,” she wrote.
“It helped that so many women have been transparent about their journeys and all the different ways people arrive at motherhood,” Alcindor continued. “But still, there were so many nights when I cried myself to sleep feeling a deep sense of resentment at my reality.”
MEET THE PRESS — Pictured: Yamiche Alcindor and Michael Beschloss appear on a 75th Anniversary Special of Meet the Press in Washington, D.C. Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022. — (Photo by: William B. Plowman/NBC via Getty Images)
Now a happy mother-to-be, Alcindor expressed her sense of regret making her pregnancy announcement while knowing “reading yet another pregnancy announcement might hurt women who are still struggling to become mothers.”
The former PBS host explained her reluctance to post a photo of her growing baby bump after recalling the times she “found myself in tears reading those sorts of announcements.”
“That’s why I knew in my heart that I couldn’t post a photo of my growing stomach with a cheery announcement,” Alcindor wrote.
Speaking directly to women “whose path to motherhood has hit speed bumps, potholes, roadblocks and detour signs that have forced you on a winding, painful journey,” Alcindor extended her empathy and acknowledged the pain that comes with a grueling journey to conception.
The Miami native expressed her hope that by sharing her story, she would provide “both comfort to those still in the struggle to get to motherhood, and affirmation for those whose paths have left deep scars.”
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