The Silent Struggle of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions

The role of teachers in shaping society’s future cannot be overstated. They are tasked with educating the next generation of leaders and preparing them to face global challenges. However, the reality of teaching in higher education institutions (HEIs) is far from ideal. Young teachers are quitting higher education institutions (HEIs) at an alarming rate. Majority of young teachers are quitting their jobs within the first five years of their career. This raises some serious concerns about the future of education, and it is essential to identify the root causes of this issue.
One of the most significant problems that teachers face is being underpaid, even after gaining considerable experience. Teachers are the backbone of the education system, and they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the nation. Despite this, teachers are often paid a meagre salary, and their wages do not reflect the amount of effort and time they put into their work. Teachers are expected to work long hours, outside of the classroom, which makes it difficult for them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Another problem that young teachers face is the lack of recognition for their work. They are not given the credit they deserve for their hard work and dedication towards their profession. Private colleges are particularly guilty of this, where teachers are often treated unfairly by the management. Teachers are not only expected to teach but are also given administrative work, which is not their area of expertise.
Moreover, private colleges are primarily run by politicians or businessmen, whose sole intention is to earn money. The management often prioritises profit over the education of the students, which creates a challenging environment for teachers who want to make a difference in their students’ lives. The high fees charged by these institutions create an obstacle for underprivileged students, and passionate young teachers cannot overlook this problem.
In addition to these issues, teachers often face burnout due to excessive workload and stress. The teaching profession is challenging, and teachers are expected to maintain high standards while dealing with diverse students and their unique learning needs. This can take a toll on a teacher’s mental and physical health, leading to burnout and ultimately resignation.
The solution to these problems lies in a change of attitude towards the teaching profession. Teachers must be valued for their contributions to society and be provided with the support they need to perform their jobs effectively. Private college managements must prioritize education over profit-making, and policymakers must invest in education to ensure that all students have access to quality education.
In conclusion, the problems faced by teachers in HEIs are real and require immediate attention. The education system cannot function effectively without the contributions of dedicated teachers. By addressing these problems, we can ensure that our education system is equitable and provides opportunities for all.
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