Take Action! 12 Ways To Improve Employee Satisfaction In 2023

In the wake of the Great Resignation this year, employee satisfaction is more important than ever. With employees reevaluating what is important to them in both their personal and professional lives, low levels of employee job satisfaction can have some pretty detrimental effects on a business.
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Whether you’re looking to reduce turnover and retain your top talent, or you’re looking to recruit new talent to the company, prioritizing employee satisfaction is a key factor in doing so.
We talked to the employee experience experts at The Assist , a free weekly newsletter dedicated to helping modern professionals, to better get a sense of what employee satisfaction looks like in 2023 and the ways in which leaders can promote a healthier work culture.
In a hurry? Check out some of our favorite recognition software platforms designed to improve employee satisfaction at your company:

Let’s learn a bit more about what exactly employee satisfaction is and how to boost job satisfaction levels in the workplace.
What Is Employee Satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is a measure of how content an employee is with their job, work environment, and the overall  company culture . There is a myriad of variables that affect levels of employee satisfaction including salary, non-monetary incentives, and growth opportunities (to name just a few).
High levels of employee happiness  in the workplace help to avoid  employee burnout and keep employees motivated to excel in their roles. Most companies have no problem understanding the concept of employee satisfaction, but many struggles to see why it’s so important and how to keep employee satisfaction high.
Why Is Employee Satisfaction So Important? 
Employee satisfaction is important because it has a direct impact on a company’s bottom line. If you have high levels of employee satisfaction, you’ll likely see reduced turnover rates because you’re able to  retain your employees .
Happy employees are much more likely to take pride in their work and feel a strong sense of loyalty to the company and its core values. Employee satisfaction can also  increase productivity  levels at work and quality of work output.
*Pro-Tip:   The Assist newsletter delivers great free resources for employee satisfaction & engagement directly to your inbox!

Ways To Keep Employee Satisfaction High
1) Celebrate Employee Milestones

Whether it’s a 1 year  work anniversary,  a 10 year anniversary, or a birthday, make that employee feel special and valued by celebrating them and their contributions to the company.
How this improves employee satisfaction
1) By celebrating employee milestones, you’re showing that employees that their loyalty and dedication to their roles and the company is appreciated.
2) Employees who feel valued and appreciated are much more likely to continue their career growth with you and continue to produce high-quality work.
3) Even small gestures can go a long way in bolstering employee satisfaction.
Try doing this to keep employee satisfaction high: Caroo’s Employee Milestone Program  makes it easy to celebrate all of your important employee milestones throughout the year.
They offer meaningful gifts for employee birthdays and anniversaries that are easily customizable and shipped directly to your employees. Their platform even offers monthly reminders and budget tracking so you never miss a milestone!
Pro-tip:  Don’t get caught in the trap of having to purchase one-off gifts for each employee’s anniversary. Set up an  employee milestone program  through Caroo, where you can input all your employee birthdays and anniversaries, and ship gifts out all in one easy (and free!) to use platform.


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