15 Best Celebrations At Work For Building Memorable Moments With Your Team In 2023

Celebrate the big wins and the small wins. Everything counts in the workplace.
Keeping teams engaged is about making people feel seen and appreciated — whether that recognition comes from the top down or peer-to-peer.
An employee who has been recognized is 63% more likely to stay at his or her current job within the next three to six months. — Apollo Technical Click To Tweet
With companies desperately looking for an edge, you can boost your culture by throwing memorable celebrations at work.

Is it an employee’s  birthday ? Is it your coworker’s work anniversary? Perhaps it’s a holiday (even National Pancake Day counts)?
Any way you flip it, you’ve got reason enough to break out the party hats, snack boxes, and any other treats you can think of!
In a hurry? Check out some of our favorite recognition & rewards platforms guaranteed to make work celebrations more memorable:

The reality is, it’s not just money or promotions that keep teams engaged anymore (although, a raise never hurts ).  Employee engagement  hinges on team members feeling connected to one another by bonding over special moments and memories.
So check out this carefully curated list of  memorable celebrations at work for engaged teams in 2023!
But first… what is a work celebration?
Get Your Free Guide to Boosting Employee Motivation
A celebration at work is a designated event for recognizing team member successes and wins. Additionally, a celebration at work doesn’t necessarily have to be merit-based. These events can also just be about taking the time to enjoy your employees or coworkers as people.
Now that we’ve established a baseline to understand what exactly a celebration at work is, let’s hop into our curated list!
Memorable Celebrations At Work
1. Employee Milestone / Years of Service

Employee milestones are a big deal — a really big deal — and they should be treated that way. It takes a lot of work to achieve goals and that deserves some major cheering. An employee milestone celebration lets your employees or coworkers know that their efforts and accomplishments are appreciated.
Why this work celebration benefits employees: An employee milestone celebration is a great chance to boost morale, recognition, retention, and feelings of belonging within your organization.
Try out these fun ways to plan your next workplace celebration:

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