How To Show Gratitude in the Workplace in 2023 [Don’t Forget Remote Employees!]

When gratitude is incorporated into the cultural fiber of a workplace and embodied by all the team members, it amplifies empathy, collaboration, and communication. Bolstering relationships in your organization through gratitude is fundamental.
The big question is: How do you practice gratitude in a corporate setting? And what does gratitude look like in the workplace?
“In a study of 800 descriptive trait words, ‘grateful’ was rated in the top 4% in terms of likeability.” —
In the workplace, gratitude can take many different forms.
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For example, a boss might express gratitude to an employee who goes above and beyond their job duties, or a colleague might say thank you for offering help on a project. Sometimes, people show gratitude in more significant ways, such as nominating someone for an award or taking the time to write a positive review. Regardless of how it is expressed, gratitude plays an important role in the workplace.

It helps to build strong relationships, foster a sense of teamwork, and motivate people to do their best. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. As such, bosses and managers should make an effort to show gratitude regularly.
In a hurry? Try out these reward platforms specially designed to show gratitude to your team:

In this article, we’ll break down the benefits of expressing gratitude in the workplace, how to make it the new standard in your organization, and all the ways you and your team can show gratitude to one another.
Benefits of Showing Gratitude at Work
➤ Improves productivity
Gratitude is a powerful way to build relationships and boost morale. But did you know that gratitude can also have a positive impact on productivity? When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged with their work and motivated to do their best. Additionally, gratitude can help to build a sense of belonging and camaraderie within a team. As a result, showing appreciation for others’ hard work is not only good for morale, but can also lead to increased productivity in the workplace .
➤ Boosts employee satisfaction
Taking the time to recognize employees’ hard work can make a big difference in their overall satisfaction with their job. Additionally, expressing gratitude can also help to build team morale and improve working relationships. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged and productive, which benefits the entire organization. So next time you’re feeling grateful for your job, be sure to let your boss know! A little appreciation can go a long way in boosting employee satisfaction.
➤ Reduces absenteeism
Did you know that expressing gratitude at work can also help reduce absenteeism? That’s right – studies have shown that employees who feel appreciated are more likely to show up for work and be productive while they’re there. There are several reasons for this; first, feeling appreciated makes people feel good, and when they feel good they’re more likely to want to come to work. Additionally, people who feel appreciated are more likely to feel like their work is meaningful, which makes them less likely to want to take time off.
➤ Increases employee well-being
Numerous studies have shown that expressing gratitude can have a positive impact on employee wellbeing . From improving mental and physical health to increasing overall satisfaction with life, the benefits of gratitude are well-documented. But did you know that gratitude can also be good for business? A recent study found that employees who felt appreciated by their superiors were more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and to report higher levels of well-being. The study also found that, as a side effect, these employees were more likely to say they would recommend their company as a good place to work.
➤ Boosts employee retention
One way to promote employee retention is to show gratitude for a job well done. A simple “thank you” can go a long way towards making an employee feel valued and appreciated. Moreover, publicly acknowledging an employee’s contribution can help to increase their motivation and commitment to the company. In addition, showing gratitude at work can also help to create a more positive work environment . When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to stick around and continue to do great work.
16 Ways To Show Gratitude To Your Coworkers
  1    Set aside time to recognize your peers

As any seasoned professional knows, acknowledgment, expressions of gratitude, and appreciation from your peers can be just as important as a pat on the back from your boss. A recent study found that employees who feel appreciated by their colleagues are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and less likely to experience burnout.
Furthermore, employees who feel valued by their peers are more likely to go above and beyond in their work, leading to higher-quality results.
Tip to express your gratitude: One simple way to show appreciation for your coworkers or employees is to set aside time each week to recognize their accomplishments. This can be done informally, through a quick conversation or email, or formally, through a team meeting or award ceremony. Alternatively, dedicate a weekly, biweekly, or monthly meeting to thanking team members. You can also use a recognition platform like Mo Work which can make it easy for all employees (in-person, hybrid, and remote) to reward each other with shout outs and nominations.
  2   Send employees a work-from-home care package

Working from home has become the new normal for many people, but it can be a big adjustment. Between trying to stay focused with distractions all around and dealing with the loneliness of being isolated from colleagues, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. One way to show your employees that you care about their well-being and mental health is to send them a work-from-home care package .
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Fill it with things like healthy snacks, tea or coffee, a comfortable pair of socks, and (if possible) a gift card for a local delivery service. A little gesture like this can go a long way in making your employees feel appreciated and supported. Plus, it’s a great way to show your company’s culture of caring.
Tip to express your gratitude: Corporate care packages are ideal for work-from-home employees because you can use a company that specializes in custom curations like Caroo .
  3   Give your team the right tools to facilitate appreciation between coworkers

It’s no secret that happier employees are more productive employees. When coworkers are appreciated and feel valued, they are more likely to go the extra mile to help out and contribute to the company’s success. One way to foster a culture of appreciation is to provide your team with the right tools .
For example, setting up a recognition program where employees can give shout-outs to their colleagues for a job well done is a great way to show that you value their efforts. By making it easy for employees to show their appreciation for one another, you can create a workplace that is more positive and productive.
Tip to express your gratitude: Consider the specifications of your organization to find the perfect recognition tool to facilitate a culture of gratitude.
Pro-Tip: If you like using digital tools, we recommend exploring the following employee gratitude tools for your team:

Motivosity  – An easy-to-use peer recognition and rewards platform to keep teams connected.
Nectar  – Send and receive recognition straight from Slack or Teams. No need to login to yet another software.
Bonusly  – Create real meaning for every employee and every celebration with personalized employee rewards that wow.

P.S. Each of these tools offer a free trial which will allow you to test them out at your workplace. 
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