8 Job Interview Tips for Introverts

By | SHREEYA DESHPANDE | www.makeuseof.com
Are you an introvert preparing for a job interview? Interviews can be nerve-wracking for anyone, but for introverts, the pressure to make a good impression and the need to extrovert oneself can be overwhelming.
The good news is that there are ways to showcase your strengths as an introvert during an interview and ace it. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best tips for introverts to shine in a job interview.
1. Research the Company and the Position You’re Applying For

Performing research on the company and the position you’re applying for before an interview is a crucial step in the job interview process, and it can be especially beneficial for introverts. As an introvert, you may find it challenging to speak up and assert yourself during an interview, but by doing your research beforehand, you can be more confident in handling questions and expressing your qualifications effectively.
Moreover, it gives you a better sense of alignment with the company. Knowing the company’s mission, values, culture, and recent development or accomplishment will help you to see how your skills and experiences align with them, as well as allow you to connect your value proposition in the interview.
Here are some of the  best websites to know about your potential employer  and ease your interview experience.
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