Andrew Jenkins: Employee Advocacy

As HR pros, it’s important to recognize the power of social media in today’s digital landscape. With billions of users across different platforms, social media has become a valuable tool for businesses to build their brands and reach their target audiences. And employees can play a critical role in advocating for your employer’s brand online.
Employee advocacy on social media can significantly impact your company’s online visibility, credibility, and reach. It involves employees sharing and promoting your company’s content, messages, and values through their personal social media channels. This advocacy can help in attracting potential customers, job seekers, and enhancing your overall brand reputation.
In HRchat episode 570 , we discuss effective strategies that HR leaders can use to encourage and empower employees to advocate for their employer’s brand on social media. From providing social media training to creating engaging content, HR leaders can play a vital role in supporting their employees to become brand advocates. By harnessing the power of employee advocacy, HR leaders can help build a strong online presence for their company and drive business growth.

Listen to get some key takeaways to help listeners discover how to implement an effective social media strategy that’s supported and integrated throughout every part of the organization.
My guest this time is Andrew Jenkins , CEO at  Volterra , a Toronto-based social media consultancy.
Questions for Andrew include:

How do you define employee advocacy?
Why should organizations consider an employee advocacy program?
What are some considerations, risks, and things to be mindful of when it comes to employee advocacy?
Where should organizations start?
How should success be measured?
Your 2022 book,  Social Media Marketing for Business  provides a step-by-step roadmap to setting up effective workflows, team configurations, governance models, and social media policies, alongside creating and measuring content and social media campaigns that have a competitive edge. Featuring insights from leading industry experts, it covers areas such as balancing social media ownership, measuring success using analytics and conducting a social media audit. Is it designed for marketing folks or can it be used by HR leaders too? Can you point to some ways HR departments can integrate some of practices?

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The post Andrew Jenkins: Employee Advocacy appeared first on The HR Gazette and HRchat Podcast .

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