Your customer, and your business, are one

If it’s best for your customer, do it. Seriously, just do it! Because it will automatically be best for you and your business, too.

What I am about to share with you is pure gold. And if you take a moment to read it, it can radically improve the success of your business.

It starts with this very simple idea.

You cannot develop greater value for your customer or deliver higher levels of service to your customer, without benefiting from it equally. Your customer, and your business, are one.

Now I’ll explain why.

There’s only us and us !

In business, when it comes to the vendor and the customer, there’s no us and them . There’s only us and us. You already know that customers are an essential part of your business. Logically, when you make things better for them, you make them better for your business, too. Your customer, and your business, are one.

A common objection I get when explaining this to business owners, is a version of the following.

But Jim, if I go to that extra effort and expense for my customers, it will cost me in time and money. The customer will benefit, but I’ll lose out.

I totally understand that kind of reply. The idea of creating their business model around what’s best for the customer, is alien to them. It’s born of a very common attitude to business investment, which you experience every time you receive average customer service.

Average providers will look at the current numbers , subtract any extra time or financial investment, and it doesn’t add up. What they fail to see is that their current numbers are a fraction as high , and a fraction as profitable , as they could be if they improved their model.

Invest in your customers

You do this by developing your business, so that it’s transparently designed to be of massive value to your customers and prospects .

Here’s what we see from those rare business owners, already embracing this customer-focused attitude.

They attract the best customers.

They thrive in every economy .

They retain existing customers for massively longer.

They never need to sell based on price.

They attract high-value opportunities, from brands who want to connect with them.

They are far more productive.

They generate a buzz around their products or services, simply by doing what they do.

They enjoy a hugely valuable profile in their marketplace.

They attract endless word-of-mouth referrals.

All that (and more) can be yours, when you fully embrace the idea that your customer, and your business, are one. You’re then free to grow a high-profit business, doing your best work, for the best customers.

Do this correctly and you’ll be amazed at how quickly, and how dramatically, things improve for you.
Your customer, and your business, are one was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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