New STEM employees want workplace perks

The demand for STEM graduates, specifically Generation Z workers, is high in Australia and New Zealand. However, this generation requires more attention and accommodation in the workplace than previous ones.

By 2025, Gen Zs will constitute more than 30% of Australia’s workforce. Although they are loyal to their employers, they seek engagement, communication, a digitally advanced environment, work-life balance, and exciting incentives and activities. As digital natives, they prioritise the implementation of new-age technologies like smart factories, human-robot collaboration, and machine learning in the workplace.

“Many industries are facing a critical skills shortage, and STEM  has been highlighted as a key focus area to bolster local manufacturing further,” explains Masayuki (Masa) Mase, Country Manager for  Universal Robots  Oceania. “When trying to attract top, young talent to our sector, employers are finding that Gen Zs are in search of true job satisfaction over experience and job security.”

“Graduates and junior employees in the fields of STEM are extremely sought-after by employers and in a country with a notable skills shortage, these graduates know they are spoiled for choice,” Masa continues. “Today, they are in search of employers who tick all these boxes.”

Fostering a collaborative environment

In the STEM fields, technology plays a significant role in attracting new-age workers, particularly in the form of robotics. Younger employees, in particular, are drawn to the prospect of working alongside new-age technologies, including robots.

Cobots, or collaborative robots, are user-friendly, easy to deploy, and safe to work with, making them an attractive option. They can assist with many monotonous and repetitive tasks that employees typically find unenjoyable. Many engineering students are already familiar with cobots, as they are widely used for practical learning in universities. As a result, these students anticipate leaving the tedious, hazardous, and unclean work to the robots so that they can focus on more fulfilling value-added assignments.

Cobots: A Solution for the ageing workforce

Cobots not only attract younger workers but also assist the ageing workforce. In France, cobots are used to enhance the working conditions of experienced employees with valuable trade knowledge.

Eliminating hazardous and physically demanding tasks makes it possible to retain these skilled and seasoned workers in their positions. This is crucial for businesses as they are the backbone of production, having mastered the essence and process of the company. Their expertise is essential to the organisation, and their knowledge needs to be transferred to their successors. Additionally, experienced employees are capable of defining strategies to enhance productivity and quality.

In conclusion, according to Masa, businesses that fail to adopt robotics risk falling behind. “In the era of automation, it is essential for companies to utilise cobots to improve safety, efficiency, and productivity while creating a work environment that appeals to the inquisitive minds of Gen Z.”

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