Your future is as bright as you think it is

I’ve been working with a lot of small business owners, who are prospering mightily right now. Today, I’m going to share a common factor that worked for all of them, and can work equally well for every small business owner reading this.

Yes, including you.

It can be summed up in 2 steps.

1. A shift of focus

We started each time, by helping them to focus on a bright, prosperous future. This sounds obvious, but it absolutely is not! Many small business owners, probably the vast majority, are in survival mode.

The problem with survival mode?

There are many.

The most obvious problem with aiming for survival, is that if you miss your target, you literally fail to survive. Another problem with aiming for survival , is that it’s very hard to succeed in a small business, when your motivation is based on fear. Fear motivation is destructive and exceptionally stressful.

2. A proven plan that they’ve never used before

Once the business owner was focused on knocking it out of the park , we built a clear, simple plan for them to prosper.

Then, we followed the plan.


The small business owner examples I’m sharing with you, all came to me with an urgent need to improve their results. Their industries are all under pressure. Nothing seemed to work. Their sales pipelines and funnels were dry.

So, I used a superfast strategy.

We looked at business ideas from other industries, which are thriving right now. We then adapted them into my client’s small business. Their businesses NOW have a unique proposition to offer prospects. It improves everything. Even though in real terms, they’ve hardly changed! This works in every industry and profession, even the most strictly regulated ones. And it works amazingly fast. I’ve been doing this with clients for decades and I cannot understand why more small business owners aren’t doing it. (Note: That’s just one of the dozens of strategies I use).

Plan for survival and if you hit your survival goal, your ‘prize’ is another year treading water.

Plan to prosper mightily instead. Because your future is as bright as you think it is.
Your future is as bright as you think it is was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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