Average regularly beats outstanding

There’s no doubt about it. There are prospective clients out there who need what your business provides.

That’s a fact!

And there are lots of them, too.

So far, so good!

The challenge comes with the next step.

Your prospective client absolutely needs a new service provider, BUT unless they want to hire you , someone else will get their money.

If you’re not attracting enough new clients, you need to look at how big a want your marketing is creating, compared to your competitors.

How convincing is your value proposition?

How engaging are your various service levels or product bundles?

How compelling is your messaging?

How attractive are your payment terms?

And increasingly important right now, how safe have you made it for people to hire you?

Never assume that just because a service is outstanding, it must be getting its fair share of the market. That’s not how it works. An average provider with outstanding marketing, will beat a outstanding provider with average marketing.

So, motivate your prospects to contact you. Inspire them to become clients. If you think your marketing is already doing this, yet your results are telling you something different, take heed. Follow the numbers. The numbers will lead you in the right direction. Every single time.
Average regularly beats outstanding was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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