Top talent joins new Aussie funds manager  

Blackwattle Investment Partners, a new market entrant, has commenced operations and plans to launch its first four investment portfolios in July 2023.

With an initial seed capital of up to $60 million secured for six years, Blackwattle Investment Partners aims to provide investors with diverse options by offering the distribution of four investment portfolios right from the beginning. 

The diversified fund’s manager is equipped with a strong foundation and governance structure. A five-person board ensures effective decision-making, while third-party governance, led by independent chair-headed ESG and Investment Councils, adds a layer of expertise and oversight.

The team has assembled a team of highly respected portfolio managers to lead their various funds, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Leading the Long Short 130/30 Quality and Large Cap Quality Funds are Ray David and Joe Koh, who collectively possess over 40 years of investment experience. They have recently held positions at Schroders Australia, where they played a key role in managing a portfolio of over $12 billion using similar strategies.

Tim Riordan and Michael Teran are heading the Mid Cap Quality Fund, who previously managed a similar fund of $2.2 billion at Aware Super, Australia’s 5th largest super fund. Tim, in particular, brings notable expertise as the former Head of Direct Equities at Aware, overseeing a team of 11 and managing assets exceeding $3.5 billion.

Managing the Small Cap Quality Fund are Robert Hawkesford and Daniel Broeren, both of whom have accumulated over 40 years of investment experience at esteemed institutions such as Ellerston and Watermark.

With this team of seasoned professionals, Blackwattle Investment Partners ensures that their funds are guided by expertise, market knowledge, and a track record of success.

“We want to do things differently, to do things better” said Blackwattle Managing Director and CIO Michael Skinner, who partnered with Jarred Rubin, ex-Citi Equity Sales Director, as CEO; Matthew Dell, former Pinnacle Distribution Director, who brings over 25 years experience into the role of Executive Director; and former Head of Investment Sales at Zurich Maggie Mills, who steps in as Head of Distribution.

“We’ve flipped the traditional model and removed the key person risk. We don’t believe in a concentrated leadership style – everyone is a meaningful equity owner and we are all partners together,” said Michael Skinner.

“We invest alongside our investors and clients, with personal capital committed and corporate profits reinvested into our portfolios, there is no personal trading,” said Mr Skinner. 

“Having such significant ‘skin in the game’ means we are 100 per cent aligned to the common interest of our clients, which is uncommon in the Australian funds management industry,” he added.

“We’ve brought together the best investment talent in Australia. Each member of our team has an outstanding investment track-record and 20 years of experience on average.”

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