15 qualities of a good employee (and why they matter)

Struggling to find the right employees for your business? Maybe you’ve hired someone who wasn’t quite the right fit, or you’re not sure what skills your employees need to succeed on the job. 
Finding a good employee can be a challenge and the cost to hire an employee can be high. We created this post to help you figure out what qualities to look for, and why they matter for your business. So when you hire, you hire right.   
We’ll go over 15 qualities that make a good employee and how those qualities contribute to the success of your business. Your interview questions can help you decipher if the employee has these types of qualities. 
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1. Reliability 
You want employees who you can rely on to get the job done right. That’s why reliability is crucial for businesses. Reliability means that your employees are trustworthy and dependable, and you can count on them to complete their work on time and to a high standard.
Reliable employees can help increase productivity and efficiency by completing tasks on time. They can also improve customer satisfaction by delivering high-quality service and work consistently. 
Plus, reliable employees reduce stress on you by being dependable and requiring less micromanagement.
Why reliability matters
Here are some examples of reliability in employees:

Consistently showing up to work on time and ready to work
Completing tasks on or before the deadline
Maintaining a high level of quality in their work
Taking responsibility for their mistakes and working to correct them
Following through on commitments and promises
Communicating clearly and honestly about progress and potential obstacles
Being accountable for their actions and decisions

These qualities can have a direct impact on the success and growth of your business. By fostering these qualities in your employees, you can set your business up for long-term success.
2. Good communication skills

Communication is key in any workplace, and good communication skills are essential for employees. A good communicator is able to convey information clearly and effectively, whether it’s through written or verbal means.
Employees who know how to communicate can improve teamwork, customer service and the overall culture of your business. 
Why good communication skills matter
Here are some examples of good team communication skills:

Active listening
Asking clarifying questions
Providing constructive feedback
Communicating clearly and concisely
Nonverbal communication, like maintaining eye contact, using appropriate body language, and paying attention to tone of voice.

An employee with good communication skills can help prevent misunderstandings, and create a positive working environment for you and your team. 
By communicating clearly and effectively, employees can also increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and contribute to the overall growth of your business.
3. Arriving to work on time 
Showing up to work on time isn’t just mandatory, it also demonstrates an employee’s seriousness and commitment to their job. Clocking in on time also shows respect for other people’s time, whether it’s in meetings or on the job site. 
Why arriving to work on time matters
Wasted minutes waiting for late employees can quickly add up and cost your small business a lot of money.
By using Homebase’s employee time tracking app, you can ensure that your employees are clocking in and out on time, which can help you manage work hours, timesheets, and improve your payroll process with QuickBooks Online and Gusto integration.
4. Being detail-oriented
You need employees who pay attention to detail. When employees are detail-oriented, they can catch mistakes and ensure that work is of the highest quality. 
This is important for customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are essential for the success of any business. 
Why being detail oriented matters

Here are some examples of detail-oriented behavior. 

Following established procedures and protocols precisely
Organizing and maintaining accurate records and documentation
Anticipating potential problems and taking steps to prevent them
Noticing small details that others might miss
Continuously seeking ways to improve processes and increase efficiency
Paying attention to the needs and preferences of customers and clients
Taking the time to thoroughly review contracts and agreements before signing them
Carefully proofreading written work, such as emails, reports, and proposals, to ensure that there are no errors.

Attention to detail can also help employees stand out in their role and can open up more opportunities for growth and advancement within the company.
5. Willingness to learn 
Employees who are willing to learn new things allow them to stay competitive and adapt to changes in your industry. Employees who are open to learning can bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table, which can ultimately help your business stay nimble and grow. 
Why willingness to learn matters
Here are some examples of willingness to learn:

Taking initiative to learn new skills or software
Asking questions to better understand a task or project
Seeking out feedback to improve performance
Attending training sessions or industry conferences
Embracing new technologies or work processes
Adapting to changes in the workplace, such as new management or policies

By seeking out employees who are willing to learn, you’re ensuring your workforce is adaptable and able to take on new challenges as they arise. 
This quality can also create a culture where employees are continuously improving and working towards a common goal.
6. Being a team player
When employees work together, they can accomplish more and achieve better results. 
A team player is typically someone who’s able to communicate well, listen actively, and be open to feedback from others. These qualities are crucial for building trust and fostering good relationships with colleagues. 
When employees feel comfortable working together and trust each other, they’re more likely to work together effectively, creating a more efficient team for you. 
Why being a team player matters

Here are some examples of an employee being a team player:

Willingness to help colleagues with their work
Collaborating on projects with others
Communicating effectively and actively listening to others
Being open to feedback and suggestions from colleagues
Showing empathy and understanding towards colleagues’ concerns or challenges
Participating in team-building activities or events
Celebrating colleagues’ achievements and wins
Demonstrating a willingness to put the team’s goals above personal interests.

Employees who feel valued and supported by their colleagues are more likely to be engaged and motivated, which can ultimately lead to a more successful and thriving business.
7. Honesty
When employees are open and honest, they’re more likely to take responsibility for their actions, admit to their mistakes, and communicate openly with colleagues. Honesty creates a more supportive and transparent work environment, where employees feel valued and respected by one another.
Honest employees are also more likely to be reliable and dependable, which is crucial when you want your business to grow and succeed.
Why honesty matters
Here are some examples of an employee being honest in the workplace: 

Admitting to a mistake and taking responsibility for it
Communicating openly and truthfully with colleagues and managers
Reporting unethical behavior or violations of company policies
Providing accurate information and not exaggerating achievements or results
Being transparent about limitations or challenges that may affect their work
Seeking guidance or support when needed instead of pretending to know something they don’t
Refraining from gossip or spreading false information about colleagues or the business.

When employees are honest, they’re more likely to follow through on commitments, provide accurate information, and be transparent about limitations or challenges that may affect their work. 
This can lead to better collaboration and improved productivity. 
8. A strong work ethic 
Having a strong work ethic means that an employee is consistently motivated to do their best and take pride in their work. It means they’re reliable and dependable, showing up on time and completing tasks efficiently. 
Employees with a solid work ethic are typically self-motivated and willing to learn. They’re also committed to the goals and vision of the business, which improves work culture and team morale. 
This, in turn, helps you attract and retain top talent.
Why a strong work ethic matters
Here are some examples of an employee having a strong work ethic:

Showing up on time and ready to work
Completing tasks efficiently and effectively, even when they’re hard
Being self-motivated and taking initiative
Being willing to learn and develop new skills
Going above and beyond to ensure that the job is done well
Being dependable and reliable, even under pressure
Being committed to the goals and vision of the business
Being accountable for their work and taking responsibility for their mistakes

Hiring employees who know how to work hard creates an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. 
Plus, when your team is full of hard workers, it sets a high standard for everyone and inspires them to work harder and achieve more.
9. Being results-oriented
Results-oriented employees are focused on achieving goals and getting things done. These employees are motivated to work hard and are willing to put in the effort required to get the job done. 
Results-oriented employees are driven to succeed and are not afraid to take on challenges and obstacles. They’re committed to achieving their goals and will work tirelessly to get there. 
This means they’re focused on delivering outcomes that benefit your business and are able to work well under pressure.
Why being results-oriented matters
Here are some examples of an employee being results-oriented:

Setting measurable goals and targets to achieve
Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively to achieve objectives
Continuously seeking feedback to improve performance and achieve better results
Taking initiative to identify problems and offer solutions to improve processes
Being proactive in suggesting new ideas to improve performance
Going above and beyond their job duties to achieve results and exceed expectations.

By hiring employees who are driven to achieve results, you can rest assured  that you’re hiring people who will help your business succeed.
10. Problem-solving skills
Employees who are good problem solvers can analyze situations, identify issues, and come up with creative solutions. They can work independently to troubleshoot problems, and can also collaborate with colleagues to find the best solutions. 
This quality helps your business stay competitive and adapt to changes in your field.
Why problem-solving skills matter

Here are some examples of problem-solving skills:

Identifying and addressing problems that get in the way of completing tasks
Analyzing situations to find creative solutions
Taking a logical and methodical approach to problem-solving
Brainstorming and evaluating multiple solutions
Anticipating potential problems and taking proactive steps to prevent them
Working collaboratively with others to solve complex problems
Demonstrating adaptability and flexibility when facing unexpected challenges
Making data-driven decisions and using research to inform solutions
Remaining calm and level-headed when under pressure or facing a difficult situation
Effectively communicating solutions to team members or clients.

When an employee is able to solve problems effectively, it can save you time and money, and can even help prevent bigger problems from coming up in the future. This is especially important if your business doesn’t have the resources to hire specialized personnel to handle specific problems. 
Having your HR and compliance team look for employees who are good problem solvers can also help your company innovate and grow. They can think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions to challenges. 
11. Flexibility
Employees who are flexible can adapt to changing circumstances and take on new responsibilities when needed. They’re open to new ideas and are willing to adjust their work style to meet the needs of the business. 
This quality is especially important for businesses that operate in fast-paced environments where things can change quickly. 
Why flexibility matters

Adapting quickly to changing priorities or deadlines

Being open to feedback and making adjustments to their work approach
Willingness to cover different shifts or adjust their schedule as needed
Being open to learning new skills or taking on different roles within the organization
Embracing new technologies or work processes without resistance
Being able to switch between different projects or tasks seamlessly
Taking on additional workload during peak periods or when a team member is absent
Adjusting their work style to collaborate effectively with different colleagues or teams
Being open to constructive criticism and making necessary improvements.
Willingness to take on new tasks or responsibilities outside of their regular job scope

In a dynamic and fast-paced business environment, having employees who can adapt and be flexible is a tremendous asset. This quality can help you navigate challenges, seize new opportunities, and keep your business agile and competitive in the market.
12. Time management skills
Employees who can manage their time effectively can prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and handle multiple projects simultaneously. They can stay organized and focused, which can help increase productivity and reduce stress for themselves and their managers. 
This quality is essential for your businesses if you need to manage resources efficiently and meet tight deadlines.
Why time management skills matter

Here are some examples of an employee having time management skills:

Prioritizing tasks effectively
Creating and following a schedule or to-do list
Setting realistic deadlines and meeting them
Breaking down large projects into manageable tasks
Avoiding procrastination and staying focused on tasks
Being able to delegate tasks when appropriate
Using productivity tools or techniques to manage time efficiently
Being punctual and respecting deadlines
Managing interruptions and distractions effectively
Balancing multiple projects or responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.

Good time management ensures tasks are prioritized, deadlines are met, and multiple projects can be handled effectively. It also helps you make the most of your resources. 
It sets a positive example for other team members and fosters a culture of productivity and accountability. 
13. Positive attitude
Employees who have a positive attitude foster better relationships with you, their coworkers and your customers. They can inspire and motivate their colleagues, even in challenging situations. 
They can also improve customer satisfaction by providing friendly and helpful service. This quality creates a culture of collaboration, support, and growth.
Why a positive attitude matters
Here are some examples of an employee having a positive attitude:

Approaching tasks and challenges with enthusiasm
Maintaining a cheerful and optimistic demeanor
Showing resilience and staying positive during difficult times
Being a team player and supporting colleagues
Offering help and support without hesitation
Embracing change and adapting to new situations with a positive mindset
Taking constructive feedback in stride and using it as an opportunity for growth
Displaying a can-do attitude and a willingness to go the extra mile
Encouraging and motivating team members
Displaying gratitude and expressing appreciation for the work of others.

When employees maintain a positive attitude, it boosts morale, motivates your team, and brings up their overall productivity and team happiness . A positive work environment also leads to better collaboration, improved customer service, and increased employee satisfaction.
14. Creativity
Employees who are creative can think outside the box, generate new ideas, and find innovative solutions to problems. They can also help businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace by creating unique products or services. 
This quality is important for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition and continuously improve their offerings.
Why creativity matters
Here are some examples of an employee having creativity:

Generating innovative ideas and solutions
Thinking outside the box to solve problems
Bringing new perspectives and fresh insights to projects
Applying creative thinking to improve processes or workflows
Designing visually appealing and engaging content
Developing unique marketing strategies or campaigns
Creating original artwork or designs
Developing new products or services
Finding alternative approaches to challenges
Taking risks and exploring new possibilities.

Having creative employees is like having a secret weapon. They bring fresh ideas, unique solutions, and innovative thinking to the table. They can help your business stand out, adapt to changes, and stay ahead of the competition. 
Creativity sparks growth and fuels innovation, making it an essential quality.
15. Emotional intelligence
Employees who have emotional intelligence can understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their colleagues and customers. They can communicate effectively, build strong relationships, and resolve conflicts in a positive and constructive way. 
This quality is important for businesses that want to create a supportive and collaborative work environment, and build strong relationships with customers and clients.
Why emotional intelligence matters
Here are some examples of an employee having emotional intelligence:

Recognizing and understanding their own emotions
Showing empathy and understanding towards colleagues or customers
Managing stress and emotions in a healthy and constructive way
Building positive and effective relationships with colleagues
Listening actively and responding empathetically to others
Resolving conflicts in a calm and respectful manner
Adapting communication style to suit different individuals and situations
Recognizing and respecting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace
Offering support and encouragement to team members

Emotional intelligence is all about understanding and connecting with others on a deeper level. When employees have emotional intelligence, they can navigate tough situations, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships.
Emotional intelligence leads to better collaboration, happier customers, and a thriving business. It’s an essential quality that can set  your business apart.
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