How To Get $100k Business Loans: The Essential Guide

How can I get a $100k Business Loan?

Traditional lenders like banks and credit unions, and alternative online lenders all offer business loans for $100,000. Qualifying for a $100,000 business loan from a traditional lender usually requires excellent credit , several years in business, and high annual revenue.
Alternative lenders can offer similar amounts with lower eligibility requirements and faster funding times. The tradeoff is that alternative business loans for $100,000 often have higher rates, shorter terms, and more frequent payment schedules.
Secured vs. Unsecured Business Loans
A secured business loan means that it includes collateral , as that asset provides security for the lender in the case of default. An unsecured business loan doesn’t have collateral.
Many small business owners prefer unsecured financing since they may not have high-value business assets to pledge as collateral. However, unsecured business loans have higher interest rates, and the higher the borrowing amount, the more difficult it becomes to get unsecured financing.
There are unsecured options for six-figure business loans, but you’ll have a far easier time getting approved with collateral. Consider secured business loans when borrowing six figures or more.
What types of Business Loans can provide $100k in funding?

Most business loans can provide $100,000 or more in funding, depending on the lender and your credentials. For example, one lender might offer a business line of credit that only goes up to $50,000, while another might offer one for $500,000. But to qualify for the latter, you’ll need high annual revenue.
Let’s look at the available small business loans that could provide up to $100,000. But remember, the actual amount you’ll qualify for depends on your revenue and personal credit score.
Business Term Loans

Loan amount : $10k – $5 million.
Factor rates : Starting at 1%-4% p/mo.
Term : 3 months – 5 years.
Speed : 1-3 business days.

Business term loans are traditional financing structures where a business receives a large loan disbursement, repaid with interest and fees. Most term loans use an APR and carry fixed monthly payments for the loan term.
Business Lines of Credit

Loan amount : $10k – $1 million.
Factor rates : Starting at 1% p/mo.
Term : Up to 36 months.
Speed : 1-3 business days.

Business lines of credit (LOCs) are short-term financing that offers excellent flexibility. Instead of a single loan disbursement, your funds are activated as an available credit limit.
You can draw funds from your credit limit as needed. You only pay interest on the money you draw and never have to draw the total amount.
Once you repay what you took out, the credit limit replenishes, and your funds are available for the next time you need them. This is called revolving credit and works like a credit card.
The credit limit essentially gives you funding on demand. LOCs are excellent for ongoing projects, seasonal businesses, and covering unexpected costs.
Merchant Cash Advance

Loan amount : $10k – $1 million.
Factor rates : Starting at 1%-6% p/mo.
Term : Up to 24 months.
Speed : 1-2 business days.

A merchant cash advance (MCA) is a type of working capital loan that provides funding in the form of a lump sum of cash. The advance is repaid with a percentage of your future receivables.
MCA companies base your approval amount on your previous sales history and projected future sales. That’s because your sales are the primary source of repayment.
Most MCAs require daily payments, but some are weekly. In a traditional MCA, the repayment amount comes directly from your debit or credit card reader. However, many MCA companies are moving to a more reliable process of repayment where the funds are automatically debited from your business bank account via ACH transfer.
Invoice Factoring

Loan amount : $10k – $10 million.
Factor rates : Starting at 1% p/mo.
Term : Up to 24 months.
Speed : 1-2 business weeks.

Invoice factoring , also called accounts receivable factoring, convert your unpaid invoice into immediate working capital. Like an MCA, the process is technically a business-to-business transaction, not a loan.
Companies that sell on credit deliver their products or services to a client and issue an invoice at a later date. The process is convenient and helps some companies attract more business.
However, delays between delivering the goods and receiving payment may cause critical cash flow interruptions. This process lets you sell or “factor” those unpaid invoices to a third-party financial services business called a factoring company to smooth out cash flow gaps.
The factoring company issues funds based on the invoice’s value, called an advance rate. Most advance rates are between 75%-95%. The factoring company then owns the invoice and collects payment from your client.
The charge for the service is called the factor rate. Sometimes it’s also called a discount rate since the factoring company purchases the invoice at a discount in exchange for the advance.
Factor rates typically fall between 1%-5%, and the charge is applied every term the invoice goes unpaid. For example, if you factored a net-30 invoice at a 2% factor rate, the factoring company keeps 2% of the total amount every 30 days the invoice goes unpaid.
Once your clients pay their invoice, the factoring company releases the remaining amount minus its fees. Invoice factoring can be expensive, but you can mitigate your potential costs with well-qualified customers that pay off their debts on time.
Equipment Financing

Amount : Up to $5 million per piece of equipment.
Factor rates : Starting at 3.5 %.
Term : 1-6 years.
Speed : 3-10 business days.

An equipment loan is like a term loan, except it’s specifically for purchasing business equipment. You can use the loan to buy most equipment, from commercial kitchen appliances to construction equipment to computers and office furniture.
The equipment you’re financing becomes the collateral for the loan. If you default, the lender claims the equipment to cover its loss. This is known as a self-collateralizing loan. You might be familiar with other self-collateralized loans, such as mortgages or car loans.
SBA Loans

Amount : $50k – $5 million.
Interest rates : Starting at Prime + 2.75%.
Term : 10-25 years.
Speed : 8-12 weeks.

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) oversees the SBA loan program . It sets rules for lenders, caps interest rates, and partially guarantees the loans.
With backing from the federal government agency, lenders can offer high borrowing amounts at low interest rates and extended repayment terms that start at five years and go up to 25 years. Many consider SBA loans the “gold standard” of small business loans.
What are the qualifications for $100k Business Loans?

The qualifications vary significantly between loan programs. Some lenders will also consider your business credit scores when underwriting applications.
However, the recommended minimums to qualify for a $100,000 business loan are:

Credit score : 580.
Time in business : 6 months.
Annual revenue : $120k.

What are the advantages of Small Business Loans up to $100k?

A six-figure business loan gives you more options to fuel your business growth. You can use the funds for various purposes, including equipment purchases, working capital, refinancing debt, or acquisitions.
There are a variety of small business loans and lenders that provide business loans up to $100,000 or more. With many alternative lenders offering $100k business loans, you could get approved without stellar credit or multiple years in business.
What are the disadvantages of Small Business Loans up to $100k?

While the funding can help you get your business off the ground or take it to new heights, you incur six figures of debt. There is an extra risk involved when taking on that much debt.
For most loans, you’ll need a minimum of $120,000 in annual revenue to qualify. That could exclude some small businesses from getting a $100,000 business loan.
Many alternative loans have shorter repayment periods and require frequent daily or weekly repayments. That repayment structure could strain your cash flow.
You might have to put up collateral depending on the lender , your revenue, and your credit score. Most loans will require a personal guarantee.
Pros & Cons
Here’s a summary of the benefits and drawbacks of alternative small business loans for $100,000.


Gain the funding to power business growth.
You can use the funds in various ways.
Many loan and lender options are available.
Doesn’t require excellent credit or multiple years in business.


Requires your business taking on significant debt.
There are inherent risks in all business lending.
Most loans require a minimum annual revenue of $120k.
Shorter terms & frequent payments for alternative loans.
Fewer unsecured loan options (might require collateral).
Most loans require a personal guarantee.

How to apply for a $100k Business Loan:

The application takes just a few minutes if you have the required information. Upon approval, funds can appear in your bank account in 1-3 business days. Here’s how to get started:
Step 1: Consider Your Financing Needs
Before you begin the process, take some time to ensure this is the right financing option for your needs. Will you be able to access your desired working capital amount? Will you be able to fulfill the repayment structure? Answering these questions ahead of time will ensure that you don’t run into liquidity issues when making payments.
Step 2: Gather Your Documents
The application requires the following documents and information:

Driver’s license.
Voided business check.
Business bank statements from the past three months.
Financial and legal documents for SBA loans.

Step 3: Fill Out the Application
You can begin the process by calling us or filling out our one-page online form. Either way, you’ll be asked to enter the information from the previous section along with your desired funding amount.
Step 4: Speak to a Representative
Once you apply, a representative will contact you to explain the repayment structure and rates of your available options. This way, you won’t have to worry about surprises or hidden fees during repayment.
Step 5: Receive Approval
If and when you’re approved, funds should appear in your bank account in 1-2 business days.
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions about $100,000 business loans.
Can startups get a $100k Business Loan?

Getting a startup business loan for $100k may be possible but very difficult. Most startup business loans are for significantly less. For example, the SBA’s only startup loan is the Microloan, which caps out at $50,000, and the average funding amount is only $13,000.
You’ll typically need a personal credit score of over 700 and a solid business plan for lenders to consider your application. Even so, most lenders have a minimum requirement for time in business. For alternative lenders, that minimum could be six months, while traditional lenders usually require two years.
Some entrepreneurs turn to personal loans, business credit cards, crowdfunding, or equity funding to launch the business. Once incorporated and in operation, your business could consider trade credit or merchant cash advances as bridge financing until it has the time in business to qualify for a six-figure business loan.
Can I get a $100k Business Loan with bad credit?

Getting a $100,000 business loan with bad credit is possible, but your business must show consistent and verifiable revenue over $120,000. The higher your revenue, the better.
Even if you can get approved, a low credit score means a higher interest rate. Before agreeing to a bad credit business loan agreement, you should understand and prepare for the extra cost. Look for an online lender with a business loan calculator to help you understand the costs.
You might want to consider taking a smaller loan at first, paying it off to build your credit, and then applying for a lower-cost loan. A small business owner with a higher credit score would receive more competitive interest rates.
What if I need more than $100k for my Business Loan?

Many small business loans can provide more than $100,000 for qualified small business owners. Term loans, SBA loans , and equipment financing can all provide funding into the seven figures. Some merchant cash advances and invoice financing agreements can also provide millions in funding, but you must have high revenue to qualify.
$100k Business Loans – Final Thoughts

Getting a six-figure small business loan is possible, but the requirements are stricter. The most important thing is to have the revenue and cash flow that shows your business can handle the repayment.
You’ll typically need a high credit score, two years in business, and high annual revenue to qualify for a $100k business loan from a traditional lender, like a bank or credit union. Alternative lenders are more lenient regarding minimum credit score and time in business, but you still need a minimum annual revenue of $120k.
If you can’t currently qualify for a $100k business loan, consider taking a lower funding amount as bridge financing. Paying off the debt should help improve your credit score while your business establishes more history and grows its revenue streams.
Contact us if you have more questions on $100k business loans or want to apply for a small business loan . Our loan executives can help you find the best funding options for your business needs.
The post How To Get $100k Business Loans: The Essential Guide appeared first on United Capital Source .