Why outsourced financial teams are in high demand

Effective financial management is critical for businesses of all sizes. One way to achieve this is through outsourcing your finance team. 

Outsourcing is rapidly gaining popularity among businesses of all sizes, with financial services being one of the most sought-after outsourced services. It offers companies the opportunity to scale financial support as circumstances demand and as a nimble business factor allows businesses to focus on their core competencies without the need for a full-time C-suite salary. 

The trend has been accelerated by the digital age, which has made outsourcing an integral part of corporate strategy. The silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic which fueled the growth, is that businesses have realised they can acquire the skills they need, whenever they need them from anywhere. 

By entrusting such activities to specialists who have years of relevant industry experience and are fully conversant with financial compliance and regulatory requirements, businesses can ensure that they and their employees can focus on the operations that drive revenue. 

There are several benefits to your business or organisation, including cost savings, financial flexibility, access to specialised expertise, expert insights, compliance, and access to better tools. For growing businesses, outsourcing financial services can be an essential element in their success. 

Cost Savings 

Hiring a full-time financial expert on staff can be expensive, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses that may not require a full-time CFO’s services. Outsourcing your finance functions allows businesses to pay for the services they need, whether that’s a few hours a week or on an as-needed basis, which will save money and free up funds for other critical business expenses. 

This can be particularly valuable for start-ups and SMEs, who often operate with tight budgets and need to allocate their resources efficiently. It can reduce or eliminate the costs associated with hiring, insurance, statutory leave, employee benefits, as well as tax obligations, and superannuation contributions associated with full-time employees. 

Financial Expertise 

Outsourcing your finance team allows you to tap into a wealth of financial expertise. Working alongside experts means you’ll gain valuable insights into financial performance, help   develop financial strategies, create financial reports, and afford other   financial functions critical to the business at various times through the growth journey.  

Outsourced experts also offer an objectivity that internal financial functions may not have, and a broader knowledge across multiple industries and sectors, to see beyond the big picture, so can identify less evident opportunities such as diversification for growth. 

Overall, businesses can make informed decisions about their financial future, ensuring that they remain competitive and profitable, in retrospect to their unique situation. 


When it comes to scalability, engaging an outsourced financial team offers a powerful advantage. It allows you to scale your business without worrying about the financial aspects, and the best part is that these outsourced teams scale with you. As your business grows, your financial needs change, and keeping up with those changes can be challenging, and that’s where outsourcing becomes invaluable. By leveraging the expertise of outsourced professionals, you can quickly and efficiently adapt to these evolving financial needs, and ensure that your financial operations align with your growth trajectory, empowering you to seize new opportunities while maintaining financial stability. 

Time Management 

As a business owner, time is precious. Outsourcing your finance team can help manage it more effectively. They provide timely financial information, so businesses always have a clear picture of their financial health, which can help them make more responsive decisions, and frees up internal resources to concentrate on improving business performance. 

Accuracy, Compliance and Reduced Risk 

Independent and outsourced finance teams can help reduce errors in financial systems and reporting, ensuring accurate and reliable financial information. With access to valuable technical tools and software tailored to specific needs, they can identify and mitigate financial risks, promoting financial stability, compliance, and security. 

Moreover, outsourced teams can often bring fresh industry insights and expertise that can surpass those of an internal function, ensuring businesses stay current and relevant. 


Your outsourced finance team provides your business with flexibility. Tailored services to meet the specific needs of each business and industry, provides the level of support required to achieve financial goals; getting more of what you need, and less of what you don’t. 

Final Word 

Start-ups and small businesses are crucial to the economy, but they often struggle with financial management. By outsourcing your finance team your business benefits from experienced financial experts who understand their unique challenges and can provide strategic, holistic financial advice. Independent accounting teams can provide more comprehensive commercial advice, particularly in the entrepreneurial space where financial management becomes complex and time-consuming. An outsourced CFO in partnership with the business can be a great option for entrepreneurs looking to sell at the right time, providing fresh insights and assisting with determining a fair valuation. By outsourcing the role of CFO, Management Accountant or Bookkeeper allows entrepreneurs to focus on their next venture while ensuring a smooth sale process. 

In summary, an outsourced finance team provides businesses of all sizes with an array of benefits; partnering with an independent firm like Vital Addition, businesses can have their cross-spectrum finance needs met in a cost-efficient manner, giving them the confidence to invest and grow over time.

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