Inside story: The Cornish Bakery

Steve Grocutt, left,  is the founder and owner of The Cornish Bakery , which now has more than 50 sites across the county. Here, SME Magazine catches up with him to hear about the company.

Can you start by telling us when you launched the business and what was the inspiration behind it?  The inspiration was a hole in the market we identified around Cornish Pasties and the growth of UK tourism.
What challenges have you faced along the way and how did you overcome them?  Anything. Everything. Plus a few I have forgotten! We overcame them with determination.
You’ve recently linked up with law firm Clarke Willmott LLP. How are they helping you? Mostly they are our legal advisers on property acquisitions.
How has business been since the pandemic? Very good. First we benefited from the staycation boom and then we started expanding into the high street, where I have coined the phrase ‘the bakery is the new coffee shop.’
What advice would you give any people who are thinking about starting their own business ? Feel the deal. Make your decision based on passion and belief, and the numbers will follow.
Where do you hope the business will be in, say, five or ten years? Currently we have circa 60 bakeries. In five years the potential is to double this and then double it again in ten years.
Sum up your business in three words . Independent. Outlaw. People

The post Inside story: The Cornish Bakery appeared first on SME Magazine .

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