Meet the Founder: Jason Taylor and the journey of Ink Nurse

Leverage co-branded partnerships, giveaways, and collaborations with popular brands and artists to tap into each other’s audiences. This cost-effective marketing tactic, previously overlooked, has now gained popularity due to its effectiveness. Jason Taylor, founder, Ink Nurse

Jason Taylor grew up surrounded by the vibrant tattoo culture, immersing himself in it through friends who became respected figures in the Australian tattoo industry. 

Despite picking up a tattoo machine at the age of 17, Jason realised he needed more artistic capabilities than his companions. During those times, the go-to cream for tattoo aftercare was a popular antiseptic nappy rash cream, as no natural and purpose-made option was available. Recognising this gap in the market, he devoted years to research and development, creating a special formula. He tested it with his tattoo artist friends and sought approval from respected veterans in the field. In 2015, he established Ink Nurse as a side project, operating from his one-bedroom apartment.

In just eight years, Ink Nurse has transformed the tattoo aftercare industry with its natural remedy cream. With an impressive track record of $1 million in net sales and a global network of thousands of stockists, the brand’s latest offering—a revamped, reformulated, and rebranded multipurpose remedy cream—has taken the market by storm. In a remarkable display of its popularity, pre-orders for this highly anticipated product sold out within a mere 72 hours.

The origins of Ink Nurse

“Simply, there needed to be a clear-cut purpose-made product for tattoo aftercare. At the time, most were using a big pharma nappy rash cream that is not made for tattoos,” Jason recalls. 

“When I was researching to create the brand and asked my contacts within the tattoo industry what the best product was on the market for tattoo aftercare, there was no unified answer. I identified the gap in the market and saw an enormous opportunity to create something that is high-quality, ethical, what works directly with the industry, is backed by science and is a no-nonsense product that does what it’s supposed to do. I want people to say “Ink Nurse” when asked what to use on their fresh tattoo because it’s a product made right for the right reasons. I think the name itself perfectly sums up what the product does too.”

Demand for the Ink Nurse formula quickly soared, with a French company placing an order that Jason couldn’t fulfil at the time. Fortunately, the company had immense faith in the product, making a deposit for their order, enabling Jason to produce more. This marked the beginning of Ink Nurse’s remarkable growth. Jason left his 12-year career to focus on the brand, realising the need to scale the business after 18 months to meet the increasing demand. What initially started as selling tubs through Instagram DMs soon evolved into a massive venture, prompting Jason to seek assistance.

Jason turned to his best friend and now business partner, Benjamin Garsia. Joining forces, they secured a warehouse in Dandenong, where they tirelessly worked 14-hour days packing and shipping orders.

Collaborations and partnerships

While Ink Nurse maintained its position as the market leader, a wave of competitors sprouted, aiming to exploit the booming tattoo industry by offering inferior formulas in pursuit of immediate gains. In contrast, Ink Nurse experienced an unforeseen surge in popularity. Its user base expanded globally, with people incorporating Ink Nurse into their daily skincare routines and finding solace from various skin irritations such as eczema and psoriasis. What was once a niche, underground product exclusively embraced by the tattoo community had evolved into a universally embraced remedy for individuals of all backgrounds, irrespective of their ink status.

According to Jason, the strength of Ink Nurse’s global customer base lies in the fact that he didn’t take any shortcuts when building it. He explains, “I never paid any big influencers; I never did any cold calling or emailing. I essentially grew the core foundation of customers from the ground up through word-of-mouth, online forums, and it was just a slow grind.” Jason was committed to personally delivering a jar of cream across the city, even driving for an hour, to ensure that people had the opportunity to try it. He believed that they would love and spread the word once they experienced the product.

Understanding the tattoo community’s dynamics, Jason knew earning respect and trust required more than flashy marketing tactics. He states, “To earn respect and trust, you couldn’t come in guns blazing with fancy marketing tactics and all the fluff that comes with it because you’ll just get chewed up and spat out.”

Jason witnessed the downfall of several brands that entered the industry with influencer marketing strategies and cheap products. He notes, “They all got destroyed online in comments, forums, on their ads, everything.” Recognising the importance of transparency, Jason shares, “Other skincare and e-comm brands have poached me in the last couple of years to help advise and counsel them on their marketing, growth, and tactics, and one thing to note is that influencer marketing can work extremely well for the right products.”

However, when building Ink Nurse from the ground up, he believed that influencer marketing wouldn’t be effective within the passionate and morally-driven tattoo community. Jason was confident it would pay off in the long run despite his slower pathway.

Jason focused on partnering with other brands, established artists, and charity organisations to implement a successful marketing strategy. He describes this approach as the single most successful thing he did for Ink Nurse. One notable collaboration involved developing novelty product versions featuring Simpsons characters with tattoos as logos and merchandise.

This venture gained traction when Blink 182, in collaboration with artist friends Jad Dovey and Alex Strangler, adorned their guitars, wore shirts, and promoted co-branded designs on their social media platforms. Another successful collaboration was with Sea Shepherd, resulting in a highly popular co-branded product.

Reflecting on his experience, Jason advises others to engage in co-branded partnerships, giveaways, and collaborations with cool brands and artists to tap into each other’s audiences. This cost-effective marketing tactic, which was relatively uncommon at the time, has gained popularity because of its effectiveness. Jason emphasises the importance of customer retention as a subsequent focus for sustained success.

The science behind Ink Nurse

We don’t splash money at artists and do all the “sponsored artist” paid alignments that the other competitors do. Sure, it brings brand exposure to your brand, but at what cost? It is so inauthentic that it’s completely obvious to anyone that pays attention.

According to Jason, Ink Nurse stands out as the most scientifically driven brand in the industry, with a strong focus on transparency. “We are the most transparent brand out there, showing our customers exactly how and where their product is made in our state-of-the-art facility.” This commitment to openness ensures that customers have confidence in the quality they receive.

Jason emphasises that Ink Nurse does not engage in paid alignments or sponsorships with artists. He explains, “We don’t splash money at artists for ‘sponsored artist’ deals. It may bring brand exposure but feels inauthentic and obvious to anyone paying attention.” Instead, Ink Nurse collaborates with artists who genuinely believe in and use their products, creating a more genuine and meaningful connection.

Jason further highlights the superior ingredients used in Ink Nurse, setting it apart from other products. The most significant difference, according to Jason, lies in the remarkable multipurpose properties of Ink Nurse. He explains, “Our product is an extremely effective multipurpose remedy. It can be used for various skin conditions.” He emphasises, “No other product has shared anything like this. It’s what truly sets us apart.”

Continuous innovation

Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial in any industry to stay caught up. Jason emphasises his addiction to learning and how it goes beyond being a mere hobby— ingrained in his very nature. While the tattoo industry may not be rapidly evolving in terms of technology, he believes it’s more important to keep pace with skincare, beauty, and cosmetics technology and trends in order to adapt and incorporate them into their products.

His primary focus lies in new product development, which he dedicates a significant amount of time to. He feels fortunate to work on other brands and products during his spare time, collaborating with world leaders in cosmeceutical technologies. Together, they explore creative and unconventional approaches, such as biomimicry.

Jason explains, “How can I utilise nature and the animal kingdom in terms of how a certain species retains such an enormous hydration level of water on the skin? How can we mimic that in the commercial world? What types of ingredients can I use that nobody else is using?” With this approach, they aim to develop unique and innovative products that will disrupt industries in the coming year.

Although Jason would like to provide more details, he hints that the network he collaborates with is creating world-first, world-class products that will soon make a significant impact. He expresses his excitement, stating, “I wish I could elaborate more here, but you guys will see soon enough!”

Overcoming challenges

Too many people just had that nonchalant – “I don’t care” attitude when it came to tattoo care. Even today, we see online comments saying that they don’t use anything to heal a tattoo.

Jason reflects on their twofold challenges: “The biggest challenge for us was twofold. Firstly, convincing people to take better care of their tattoos, and secondly, making them aware that our product exists specifically for the healing and preserving tattoos.” He laments the nonchalant attitude prevalent among many individuals regarding tattoo care, with some even claiming not to use anything for healing. Surprisingly, he reveals, “I’ve even seen some artists online say that.”

However, Ink Nurse takes pride in their scientific approach and partnership with Australia’s leading sustainable manufacturer. He explains, “The beauty of science and working in direct partnership with Australia’s leading sustainable manufacturer is that I have first-hand access to some brilliant chemists, and the data is black and white.”

This privileged access to scientific knowledge enabled Jason to confidently assert that using Ink Nurse and its meticulously selected ingredients can heal tattoos up to 8 times faster and more efficiently than using no aftercare product. He emphasises, “There is scientifically no debate about it.”

Overcoming scepticism in the market was crucial for Ink Nurse, and Jason recounts their efforts to prove the effectiveness of their product. He states, “We had to convince the market that YES, it works (really well!) and YES, it is specifically designed for the healing of a fresh tattoo wound, as well as various skin ailments.” Highlighting the financial investment people make in their tattoos, Jason poses a valid question, “People can pay a fortune for tattoos, so why not ensure they look the best they can and create a utopia skin environment for them to thrive?”

To build credibility and substantiate their claims, Jason relied on their artist network and the expertise of the Ink Nurse team members, who are prominent fixtures in the industry. He asserts, “Utilizing our artist network and team members at Ink Nurse that are prominent fixtures in the industry gave us credibility when making claims.” Moreover, Jason emphasises the significance of manufacturing Ink Nurse in a lab alongside renowned cosmetic brands with the same team of chemists. He adds, “So we can guarantee authenticity with our team and quality with our product.”

Advice from Jason

The single best investment you can ever make is in a mentor.

When it comes to entering the industry, Jason emphasises that it should never be solely driven by money. Instead, he highlights the importance of being passionate about the industry and having a dedication to continuous learning. Both industries are ever-evolving, requiring individuals to acquire and retain new knowledge constantly. While it may pay off in the long run, Jason warns that it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. However, he assures that the creative nature of the industry ensures that one will always be energized.

According to Jason, an individual’s most valuable investment is finding a mentor. A genuine mentor with the experience and willingness to dedicate a few hours each month can prove invaluable. Although it may require a financial commitment, the mentor’s guidance can save individuals from making costly mistakes and accelerate their learning and skill development. This advice applies to entrepreneurs and apprentice tattoo artists who should seek out a mentor to teach them essential techniques and navigate the industry.

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