The day I met Lisa!

In 2017, Frankie introduced me to someone amazing. “Jim, this is Cid, that wonderful photographer I told you about”.

Cid quickly corrected him. “Jim, my name is Lisa, not Cid”.

Frankie then explained why he calls her, Cid:

“Oh, Cid is a nickname. When Lisa says she will do something, she does it. Always to a high standard. And always on time. You can C onsider I t D one. It’s why we only use Lisa now. So I sometimes call her Cid when introducing her to people”.

There is always a shortage of people like Lisa. People who we can totally rely on. People who we can bring a problem to, and know in advance that they will deliver. People who provide that all-important peace of mind, which we value so highly.

Charging 10 times more and winning projects

Every service provider would benefit massively, from investing the time and effort needed, to earn that kind of reputation.


Because it’s not difficult to take a service provider with Lisa’s attitude, develop a brand around them, and create their very own, highly profitable slice of the market. Other’s with similar levels of ability, charge 10 times less and still struggle to get hired.

Note, I shared a story earlier this year about that specific point; how someone charged over 10 times more and easily won the client’s project. You can read it here .

Whatever industry you are in, there is always an opportunity to deliver the way Lisa does. And do it consistently enough, that your reputation goes before you. Market a service like that correctly and the sky’s the limit.
The day I met Lisa! was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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