Timesheet reminders: How to help your employees submit their hours on time

Are you having a hard time with payroll accuracy? How about making payments on time, time theft , and low employee morale ? And, do you know that those issues are tied to your timesheet reminders? Then this guide is for you.
Up next, we’ll get you up to speed on how to use timesheet reminders efficiently, why they’re important, and the methods you can use to send automatic reminders to all your employees.

What is a timesheet?
Timesheets are records that keep track of the amount of time your employees worked—like a log of employee clock-ins and clock-outs . They give you a structured way to track productivity, compensate your employees for what they’re owed, and reduce payroll discrepancies.
Timesheets help managers and business owners manage their resources and make informed decisions. They provide transparency and accountability, allowing you to assess productivity, plan future resources, and find areas of the business to improve. 
What is a timesheet reminder?
A timesheet reminder is a message or notification that managers send to remind employees to submit their timesheets. These reminders are usually sent through email, Slack, or time tracking software. In companies without heavy technology use, they might be as simple as a calendar reminder or a quick, ‘Remember to submit your timesheet!’ as people head out.
When your employees submit their timesheets on time, it removes a lot of potential issues. Higher HR compliance, fewer payroll errors . 
It’s beneficial to your employees too: timesheet reminders take a cognitive load off their minds. Now there’s one less administrative task to add to their to-do list.
Why every business should set up timesheet reminders
We get it: setting up timesheet reminders seems tedious. Yet, they’re crucial towards achieving accurate payroll numbers and employee satisfaction. People can forget things, and automating tasks like timesheet submissions removes that risk. Automated reminders provide a simple and consistent system that everyone can follow. 
Here’s why timesheet reminders are valuable:

You get accurate employee hours: When your employees submit their timesheets on time, it reduces the risk of errors in wages. This includes overtime , breaks , and shift swaps .
They increase timesheet submission rates: Clear and consistent reminders help your employees follow the company’s time tracking policies. Over time, this lowers the risk of incomplete or inaccurate payment records.
They foster a culture of accountability: Timesheet reminders foster a sense of accountability and time management, leading to improved productivity and efficiency. Regular reminders help employees stay on top of their tasks, focus on their work, identify time-wasting activities, and boost their productivity.

4 common struggles with filling out timesheets
1. The process for submitting timesheets is unclear
Consider that your employees might not know what the latest process and deadlines are for submitting timesheets. Or, they might be receiving conflicting instructions on when and how to submit their documentation. Some weeks, they might be asked to submit via email, while other weeks they might be asked to fill in a shared spreadsheet floating around in the company cloud. 
This isn’t ideal on multiple fronts. It’s confusing for your employees, and they could be using the effort and time it takes to find the latest process on more useful tasks. Not to mention, new hires might ask different people about what the process is, only to receive conflicting information.
The good news is that you can use a time tracking application like the Homebase Time Clock to give your employees clear instructions to guide them through the process of submitting timesheets weekly. By providing an intuitive interface, Homebase ensures that employees understand the process and can submit their timesheets accurately and on time—without the need for any other submission avenues.
2. The process for tracking timesheets is complicated 
Traditional methods of tracking timesheets, like manual paperwork or filling out clunky documents, are prone to errors. An overly complicated process for submitting timesheets can make it difficult for your employees to track their hours effectively.
With Homebase’s time clock app, your employees can easily track their time from their computer, mobile devices, or POS systems. The clock app simplifies the timesheet tracking process by automatically capturing and recording employee hours during the day. This eliminates the need for them to manually calculate and track their hours, reducing the chances of errors and ensuring accurate timesheet submission.
3. Employees don’t know the importance of submitting timesheets on time
Your employees may not fully understand the significance of submitting timesheets on time. They might not see the importance of doing so, or see it as an administrative task that shouldn’t require too much depth.
James Smith, owner of Travel-Lingual , believes in the importance of highlighting why timesheets matter using clear and visible language: “Managers should provide information on the importance of accurate time tracking and how it affects business. Set deadlines, and highlight the consequences of failure to comply.”
If employees know that failure to submit a timesheet will result in an inability to bill you or a possibly incorrect salary payment, for example, they’ll be more likely to remember. James advises to include the requirement to submit timesheets as part of a contract and ensure employees are aware that failure to submit timesheets can also affect them negatively.
4. Human error
With all those entries, fields and numbers to account for, it’s easy to mess up a timesheet. Plus, your employees are probably handling a lot of other tasks that require ongoing tracking like budgets and scheduling. When your employees have to manually track and submit their timesheets, they’re more prone to making mistakes like inaccurately jotting down hours or miscalculating overtime . 
The Homebase Time Clock allows your employees to easily clock in and out using the app, which accurately tracks their work hours, breaks, and overtime. By automating the process and removing the reliance on manual inputs, Homebase reduces the human error factor, ensuring accurate timesheets and precise payment for your employees.
Consequences of not having timesheets in on time
Not getting timesheets on time creates a domino effect of consequences for both you and your employees. For you and your company, it creates a delay in the payroll cycle. Now, you have to spend additional time and effort chasing down late timesheets, contacting employees for missing information, and manually inputting data. 
For your employees, it has a ripple effect on their morale and financial stability. Employees rely on timely and accurate payments to meet their financial obligations. When they’re paid less than what they expected, it can cause stress, frustration, and potential financial hardships for employees. It can also harm the employer-employee relationship, eroding trust and loyalty within the team.
In addition to the impact on your employees, inaccurate payment calculations can create legal and compliance issues for your company. If your company fails to accurately calculate and provide wages in accordance with labor laws and regulations, it can face legal consequences, penalties, and potential lawsuits. Non-compliance with payment obligations can damage your company’s reputation, attract negative publicity, and create a hostile work environment .
Overall, not getting timesheets on time, or not receiving them at all, has significant negative consequences for you and your employees. Implementing efficient timesheet management processes and ensuring timely submissions is crucial for maintaining smooth operations, fostering a positive work environment, and protecting your company’s reputation.
5 ways to send timesheet reminders to your employees
There’s no one correct way to send timesheet reminders—only the way that works best for you, your company and your employees. This means you can use one of the methods outlined below, or a combination of them. 
Michael Callahan, CEO of The Callahan Law Firm , finds that a combination of reminders works best. This includes individual check-ins, a method that works for smaller companies, coupled with leading by example. 
“Compliance is reinforced when managers actively follow up with their teams and emphasize the importance of accurate and timely timesheets,” Michael said. “Encouraging supervisors to set an example by submitting their own timesheets on time contributes to the establishment of a culture of accountability throughout the organization.”
1. Timesheet reminders via email
Timesheet reminders via email are automated emails that get sent directly to your employees’ inbox. You can set up scheduled reminders to be sent at any time that works best for your needs. 
Setting up regular email timesheet reminders is a great method for non-technical people who don’t have time to code solutions from scratch (or if you’re on a tight budget and can’t hire a person or tool to do the job for you). There are simple, easy-to-follow walkthroughs online that can help you get started, like this one by Codementor .
Pros of sending timesheet reminders via email

Easy to schedule : You can schedule email reminders in advance, allowing you to set up recurring reminders at predetermined intervals. This flexibility eliminates the need for manual follow-ups, saving time and effort for both employees and supervisors.
Wide reach: Most people use emails in both their personal and professional lives. The number of email users is set to grow to 4.6 billion in 2025 . By using emails for timesheet reminders, you can be sure that you’re reaching most, if not all, your employees. They’ll receive the reminders regardless of their location, time zone, or device, making it highly accessible.
Rich with information : Email reminders can include in the copy essential details such as the deadline for submission, specific instructions or requirements, and any relevant attachments or links to a time tracking tool or system (if you’re using one). 

Cons of sending timesheet reminders via email

Emails are easy to ignore. For a lot of people, it’s common to have a messy or unkempt inbox, or believe that emails aren’t a particular emergency (this writer has a hand raised). And the research agrees: A study by YouGov found that only 22% of respondents have unread emails in their inbox. Employees may read the reminder email, but delay taking immediate action.
Emails can be information overload. Some people may already be getting a significant volume of emails daily, including work-related messages, newsletters, spam and other notifications. Timesheet reminders via email add to this influx of messages, increasing the risk of important reminders getting buried or overlooked amidst the email clutter.

2. Timesheet reminders via Slack
Slack timesheet reminders are automated notifications sent through the Slack platform to remind employees about submitting their timesheets.
Pros of sending timesheet reminders via Slack

It’s highly customizable: You can tailor automated timesheet reminders in Slack to meet specific requirements. You can customize the frequency, timing, and content of the reminders to align with your organization’s timesheet policies. You can also personalize the reminders by addressing your employees by name, or by including relevant project details.
It can increase visibility: When you send reminders in a shared workspace, you help your employees stay on track and remind them of their responsibility to complete and submit timesheets.

Cons of sending timesheet reminders via Slack

They can lead to notification overload: If your employees are using Slack, they’re probably in many different channels, individual conversations and using a variety of extensions and bots. Adding timesheet reminders to the mix can contribute to notification overload, potentially causing distractions and interrupting employees’ workflow. 
Lack of visibility for the more casual Slack users : If your organization has employees or team members who don’t actively use Slack or aren’t part of the relevant channels, they may miss out on the automated timesheet reminders. 
Technical issues and integration limitations: Integrating timesheet reminder systems with Slack can be technically challenging. Connectivity issues, configuration problems, or compatibility constraints between Slack and your timesheet management system could impact the reliability and effectiveness of the automated reminders.

3. Timesheet reminders via calendar notifications
Calendar applications—like Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, or Apple Calendar—provide a few methods to send timesheet reminders out to your employees. You can set up recurring events on your employees’ calendars that prompt them to complete and submit their timesheets, or create a company calendar for them to subscribe to.
Pros of sending timesheet reminders via calendar alerts

They’re attention-grabbing. When the scheduled time for the reminder arrives, your employees receive a pop-up notification via their calendar application. These visual cues catch their attention and remain up until acknowledged or dismissed, making them hard to ignore.
They’re convenient and accessible : Calendar applications are often accessible across multiple devices: computers, smartphones, or tablets. Employees can receive calendar alerts on their preferred device, ensuring that they stay informed about the time sheet submission deadlines regardless of their location or the device they are using. 

Cons of sending timesheet reminders via calendar alerts

Calendar reminders aren’t easy to customize : Calendar alerts often have limited options for customization compared to other communication methods. You may not be able to personalize the content of the reminder or provide detailed instructions within the alert itself. This limitation can make it challenging to convey specific information related to timesheet submission requirements.
Dependency on calendar management : Employees need to actively manage and regularly check their calendars to receive and respond to the timesheet reminders. If an employee fails to regularly monitor their calendar or overlooks an alert, they may miss the reminder entirely.
They could get lost among personal notifications: A lot of people may combine work and personal calendars. And if they already have a bunch of events or reminders in their personal calendar, it’s all too easy for your message to get lost or ignored.

4. Timesheet reminders via SMS
Timesheet reminders via text message involve sending SMS notifications to your employees’ mobile devices. These types of reminders leverage the accessibility of phones to deliver timesheet reminders directly to your employees. 
Sending reminders via text is also easy to set up. There are tools like Twilio, Nexmo, or Plivo to schedule text messages to be sent to your employees at predetermined intervals, reminding them to complete and submit their timesheets.
Pros of sending timesheet reminders via text message

They’re instant and hard to ignore: When you receive a text message, it usually prompts an immediate response to check it. In fact, according to a study by mobile research firm MobileSquared , about 90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes of their delivery—and over 99% of all text messages are read by their recipient. The same logic can be applied to timesheet reminders sent via text; when your employee gets a text message, they probably check the notification right away, reminding them of their upcoming timesheet submission.
They’re personal and non-intrusive: Text message reminders offer a personal touch while respecting employees’ privacy. They provide a discreet means of communication that employees can respond to at their convenience. Unlike phone calls or face-to-face reminders, text messages allow employees to handle the reminder discreetly and without interrupting their workflow.

Cons of sending timesheet reminders via text message

Text messages can be disruptive: If someone is in a meeting, driving, or performing a critical text, the immediate notification and alert tone may cause a distraction, affecting productivity and focus.
Text  messages rely on a good phone signal : Timesheet reminders sent via SMS rely on employees having their mobile phones with them and having a stable cellular network connection. If an employee’s phone is off, out of range, or experiencing technical issues, they may miss the reminder entirely, potentially leading to late timesheet submissions.

5. Timesheet reminders via time tracking software
Time tracking software like time clocks monitors and records employee work hours, breaks, and other relevant information. You can configure these tools to send reminders to employees via email, notifications within the software itself, or even through mobile apps. You can also use time clocks to see which employees are at work and which ones are away.
“Implementing this software provided an opportunity to reinforce the importance of timely timesheet submission,” Tyler Seeger, Managing Director at Retirement Being , said. “During our training sessions, we could explain how their punctuality directly affected payroll, project budgeting, and our legal obligations.”
When you pick the right type of time tracking software, day-to-day team management can become a lot easier, helping you grow your business and your team.
Pros of sending timesheet reminders via time tracking software

It makes time tracking easy. Time tracking software removes the need for your employees to manually input their hours into a spreadsheet or centralized document. With the right time tracking tool, your employees can also clock in and out from anywhere—mobile phones, computers, and POS systems.
It saves you money. No more payments for inaccurate hours worked, including overtime breaks, and shift swaps.
It smooths the payroll process. A time clock app centralizes hours with the ability to easily send payroll and file taxes. With a time clock app, like Homebase Payroll, timesheets can be easily converted into wages, with overtime and breaks and any time off included.

Cons of sending timesheet reminders via time tracking software

They can cut into your budget : Depending on the software provider, there may be costs associated with using time tracking software. Look for a version that has a free trial or a free base plan to see if it works for your team before investing.

Homebase can help you with timesheet reminders and payroll
Homebase is an all-in-one small business management platform that includes time tracking as one of its core features among a wider toolbox. We’re talking timesheets , hiring and onboarding , payroll , team communication , and employee happiness tools . Its powerful software suite is designed to make hourly based team management easy— ll with one tool that works on mobile and desktop.
Ways Homebase can help with timesheet submissions and payroll

Our time clock app tracks hours, breaks, overtime, and PTO, automatically transforming the data into timesheets that are ready for payroll
Our payroll tool can take care of tax deductions and calculations
Homebase integrates with popular payroll systems like Gusto, Rippling, and QuickBooks
Our time clock is accessible from almost any device, including computers, iOS or Android, andPOS systems
Homebase helps you comply with local, state, and federal labor laws, and keeps you up to date with any changes that may affect you
Homebase reduces labor costs by setting alerts for when employees approach overtime and automatically clocking them out when they forget
Send shift alerts to your team to prevent no-shows and tell you when employees clock in late
Enables you to set targets for your team by importing sales data and tracking labor versus sales.

Precise time tracking is essential for any business that wants more accurate timesheets. In the end, the right time tracking software can increase productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce employee turnover and save money. From automated timesheets that make payroll a breeze to time tracking features that prevent time theft, Homebase has everything the time-strapped manager might need.
Our features let you transform any device into a time clock, seamlessly integrate with different payroll software, and automatically generate timesheets when they clock in and out. So you can focus your energy on what matters most — growing your business.
Need help with timesheet reminders?
Homebase makes it easier for your team to complete their timesheets with a mix of scheduling software, in-app notifications, and team communication. Try it today .
Timesheet reminder FAQS 
What are timesheets and why does a small business need them?
Timesheets are records used to track and document the hours worked by employees. They typically include details like dates, start and end times of work, breaks and overtime. Small businesses need timesheets to accurately calculate employee wages, track project hours, monitor productivity and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.
What is a timesheet reminder?
A timesheet reminder is a notification or prompt sent to employees to remind them about submitting their timesheets on time. These reminders help employees complete and submit their timesheets within a designated time frame.
Why do employees struggle with submitting their timesheets?
Employees may struggle with submitting their timesheets for various reasons. Some common challenges include forgetfulness, unclear instructions or deadlines, complex or time-consuming processes. Lack of awareness about the importance of timesheets, or difficulties in tracking and calculating their hours accurately also contribute.
What is the best way to remind employees about their timesheet tracking and submissions?
The best way to remind employees about their timesheet tracking and submissions depends on the company’s communication channels and the preferences of employees. Email, communication platforms like Slack, or dedicated timesheet management software with built-in reminder features are all popular options. Which method you choose, it should be clear, accessible, and tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the employees and the organization.
The post Timesheet reminders: How to help your employees submit their hours on time appeared first on Homebase .