10 Marketing ideas and oodles of useful resources

Here are some marketing ideas, along with links to useful resources.

But first, I have a little surprise for you.

If you need immediate marketing results this post has you covered . It’s one of the most popular ever published on my blog and has tons of ideas, many of which can be deployed in minutes . And as you’d expect from me, none of them require you spending a penny on ads.

Now for those 10 ideas.

Do you already know the most influential people in your industry? If not, discover who they are and introduce yourself to them. The better connected you are, the easier it is for you to succeed.

How can you make it feel less risky for people to buy from you? The lower the risk, the greater their motivation will be.

Is your marketing useful or does it read like a sales pitch? Remember, people hate being sold to.

Does your marketing create enough urgency? You need people to take immediate action; to hire you, buy from you, make an enquiry, fill in your contact form, subscribe, etc., while they’re engaged with your marketing material. This post will help you . It’s a long read, with stacks of tips.

What was the last piece of marketing, which inspired you to take action? Review it and look for ways to adapt its powerful message into your own marketing.

Who already has the attention and trust of your prospective customers? Consider a Joint Venture or Endorsed Relationship with them. This post will help you .

What is the biggest barrier that blocks prospects from hiring you or buying from you? Figure out how to remove it. Then, let them know. Tip: There’s always, always a way to remove the barrier.

How tricky would your clients find it, if they needed to replace your services? You need to be as irreplaceable as possible. This post will help you .

Have you considered offering a premium version of your services, for high-value prospective clients who are eager to pay more, for the ‘extra’? This post will help you .

Is your business providing you with the quality of life you want? If not, don’t lower your expectations. Raise your revenues and profits instead.

I hope you found this useful.
10 Marketing ideas and oodles of useful resources was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog