Choosing colors for your brand

The use of colour in branding is a potent tool that can evoke emotions and associations in consumers.

It’s no surprise that some of the most successful brands in the world have harnessed this power to create instantly recognizable logos and color schemes. Think of McDonald’s with its red and yellow color palette, Starbucks with its distinctive green, and Ikea with its iconic blue and yellow.

In today’s crowded marketplace, it’s crucial for brands to differentiate themselves from their competitors and make a strong impact on prospective customers.

Choosing the right colours is a great place to start if you want to create a memorable brand identity. Bhavani Lee, the Creative Manager at Vista Australia, offers some valuable advice on how to do just that.

When designing your brand identity, Lee recommends starting with a deep understanding of your target audience. What demographic are you trying to appeal to? What values and emotions do they associate with your industry or product? 

Once you clearly understand your audience, you can begin to select colours that will resonate with them.

Stay Ahead of Colour Trends

It’s essential to stay up-to-date with colour trends to ensure that your brand colours stay fresh and relevant. Research colour forecasts and trends, such as the colour of the year, which can give you inspiration for your own branding. Keeping up with the latest trends can help you create a unique and modern look that will make your brand stand out.

Start with Primary Colours

Primary colours like red, blue, and yellow are a great starting point for creating a colour palette that aligns with your products or services. Once you’ve chosen a base colour, you can then select additional colours to complement it, such as different hues or complementary colours. For example, you might pair yellow with purple to create a bold and eye-catching branding scheme.

Be Specific with Your Colour Goals

Being specific with your colour goals for your brand can help create a guide that is both recognisable internally and to your customers. Creating brand guidelines ensures that everyone in your organisation is on the same page. These guidelines can include the specific shades of your brand colours, their use across various mediums, and any other important details that relate to your branding.

Popular Brand Colours:

Blue – Often associated with competence and trustworthiness, blue is a great choice for businesses in finance or those requiring a high level of customer trusts, such as medical practices or veterinary offices.

Black – Black is often linked to strength, sophistication, tradition, and formality, making it an excellent choice for retail or fashion businesses.

Red – Linked to love, danger, and excitement, red can stimulate the appetite and is a great fit for restaurants and eateries of all kinds.

Grey – Representing balance and neutrality, grey is a perfect colour for professionals like lawyers, financial planners, and accountants since it conveys a serious and corporate feel.

Visit: Colour psychology for business branding: How to choose the right colours .  

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