CRM Statistics: 50 Statistics for 2023

Are you curious about CRM software’s evolution in today’s business world? How has CRM technology grown so quickly? Customer relationship management (CRM) software is integral to a well-functioning business.  But if you don’t understand why this technology is important, you’ll fall behind your competitors.  My name is AJ. I’ve used CRM solutions for several years to scale my business and sell it for a seven-figure profit. After experiencing so many great results with CRM, I compiled a guide with CRM statistics. I aim to show small business owners like yourself how effective and crucial CRM systems are. Let’s learn more about CRM growth, usage, and other statistics!

Key Takeaways

Over 90% of companies with more than 11 employees use CRM

Businesses allocated over 10% of their budget for CRM software

Communications can improve by over 50% when companies implement CRM

44% of companies use CRM technology for lead scoring

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CRM Company Use Statistics

More companies are investing in modern CRM systems each year. The benefits of an effective CRM go beyond an increase in revenue. Let’s look at some general CRM statistics related to company use! 91% of Companies with 11 Employees Use a CRM System This statistic shows that even small businesses with a few employees can utilize CRM technology effectively to communicate better and ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, this statistic proves that CRM is for more than just large businesses. Even small-scale companies can benefit from this technology!  47% of companies that use CRM report the technology had a positive impact on customer retention Customer retention rates are an essential business metric to consider. It’s cheaper for companies to sell products to repeat customers than to find new ones. CRM usage boosted company productivity by an average of 8% From sales professionals to your marketing team, productivity correlates with more tasks completed and more revenue; this is one of the key CRM statistics that encourages companies to implement the technology. After implementing a CRM, companies have seen a 17% increase in lead conversions. Acquiring leads is excellent. However, if these leads don’t turn into paying customers, they’re pointless. CRMs provide the data and strategies for your team to effectively convert potential customers into paying ones. 

CRM Industry Trends 2023

CRM market size continues to rise at incredible rates every year. The CRM industry impacts different types of businesses, including the following: Retail industry Sales industry Finance industry Here are some quick stats about the CRM industry that you must know! The CRM market is valued at $69 billion It’s almost unbelievable how valuable the CRM market is (and how it continues to grow). The fact that the market is valued at over $60 billion indicates how essential CRMs are to companies worldwide. The CRM market generated $35 million in the United States alone in 2022 Companies around the world use mobile and social CRM systems. However, the market generated millions of dollars in the United States alone! 57% of businesses say their CRM solution is the most valuable software If you’re a small business owner, you know your company utilizes various software and technologies to ensure your business functions. Therefore, the fact that over half of businesses say that their CRM providers are most valuable to their operations speaks volumes. CRM market value is expected to grow by 13% per year from 2022 to 2030 As I mentioned, customer relationship management is already valuable and profitable. However, experts predict that CRMs will continue to grow by at least 10% each year. Again, this statistic indicates the vast number of businesses that use CRM. 12% of a businesses budget is spent on a CRM platform There are several things a business must include in its budget, including the following: Sales technology Interaction tracking software Tools for marketing teams Advertisements Therefore, the fact that businesses allocate more than 10% of their budget toward CRM shows how valuable and profitable the technology is.

Mobile CRM Statistics 2023

Mobile CRMs allow your sales and marketing teams to access customer data regardless of location.  CRM providers create applications that businesses can access on mobile devices. Here are some mobile CRM stats you must know if your company is considering a mobile CRM adoption. 50% of teams improved their productivity by using a mobile CRM Mobile CRMs allow your team to work, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the road. Therefore, your sales team can track customer data, utilize marketing tools, and build customer relationships anytime! 65% of sales reps who use mobile CRM meet or exceed their sales quotas Your sales team can close deals faster and secure leads efficiently when they can access data and reports anytime. Therefore, it’s no surprise mobile CRMs assist sales teams in meeting their goals! Sales reps’ productivity increases by 26.4% when companies add social networking and mobile access to CRM applications Sales professionals can work remotely when their company adopts a mobile app for its CRM. As a result, sales productivity skyrockets because agents can communicate with customers quickly.

CRM Adoption Statistics 2023

CRM adoption rates continually increase as providers improve their technology and make the platforms easier to use. Still, some business owners are wary of adopting a CRM. Let’s look at some CRM trends regarding adoption rates! Manual data entry is one of the primary reasons for the lack of CRM adoption One of the most mundane aspects of implementing a CRM is manually transferring your company’s data from where it currently lives to the new software. Data transferring is time-consuming if your business has been operating for several years (trust me, I’ve been there). However, after completing this process, your CRM saves time and automates future data entry. 22% of businesses believe embracing new technology is the biggest challenge facing their company When I implemented my first CRM, the most challenging aspect was getting employees on board. Change and new technology are intimidating at first. One way to encourage CRM usage is by explaining the long-term benefits and time-saving components to your employees. 94% of CRM users want customer management features in their CRM platform Organizing relevant customer data impacts several areas of your business, including the following: Improves customer satisfaction Improves customer retention Provides a complete picture of each customer Ensures everyone on your team can access the same information Prevents data silos Therefore, it’s no surprise companies want customer management features in their CRMs! 65% of businesses start using CRM tools within their first five years of business One piece of software advice is implementing a CRM sooner rather than later. Implementing a CRM after you’ve been in business for several years is difficult and time-consuming. 28% of companies switch to a new CRM because their current platform is no longer supported Using CRM is only helpful if the software is available. Choosing a leading CRM vendor is better because they are more likely to ensure your software is always compatible with your technology as it evolves. 24% of companies say functionality is the most essential factor when investing in CRM technology An essential factor in CRM revenue is functionality. When choosing software, ensure its functionality matches your business needs. For instance, some companies require an industry-specific CRM to perform essential tasks and follow laws and regulations. 22% of companies switch CRM systems because their current platform is too challenging to use Providers with the largest CRM market share create intuitive systems that users can implement and learn quickly. Small business owners (usually) don’t require advanced CRM functionalities or enterprise software. Find an intuitive CRM if you’re just getting started. 20% of businesses note that ease of use is the most crucial factor when purchasing a CRM system Ease of use is an important factor worth considering as you search for new CRM software. When CRMs are easy to use, it allows you to save money on training, start using the program faster, and avoid employee frustration.

Multi-Device Access Statistics 2023

When employees can access their CRM data from multiple devices, there are several benefits. These benefits include improved customer satisfaction, more accurate sales reporting, and boosted revenue. Here are some multi-device CRM stats to note! 81% of users access their CRM platform from multiple devices CRMs are becoming more accessible for employees, ensuring they can complete tasks and meet deadlines efficiently. 61% of companies believe multi-device CRM access is mainstream for customer engagement Customers expect 24/7 communication and access to sales agents in today’s digital world. Multi-device access ensures reps can provide the best customer experience possible. Multi-device CRMs boost sales productivity Think about it. If your sales agents can access client information outside the office, they’re more likely to close a deal or find potential clients.

CRM Benefits Statistics 2023

CRMs have a long list of benefits that could create an article of their own. From increases in revenue to better customer loyalty, these CRM statistics show some of the advantages of implementing this technology. CRM adoption can boost conversion rates by 300% Conversion rates track the number of potential clients your sales team turns into paying customers. CRMs improve communication and organize data, resulting in more conversions! Communication between sales teams can improve by 57% when companies use CRM Better communication channels ensure everyone within your company is on the same page. Further, improved communication promotes a better customer experience. 45% of companies say their sales revenue improved after implementing CRM A significant reason CRM usage is widespread is because it increases revenue. While purchasing CRM software doesn’t 100%  guarantee  more revenue, proper implementation makes it more likely. A company’s sales cycle can be reduced by 14% by accessing customer data CRM technology utilizes sales forecasting and automation to streamline your sales pipeline. As a result, your sales agents secure more leads and improve conversion rates.

Cloud-Based CRM Statistics 2023

Cloud-based CRMs are programs hosted on the provider’s servers and accessed online. Another name for this software is “software as a service” (SaaS). 87% of businesses use a cloud CRM system Most companies use the cloud for their CRM because it saves money. Without a cloud-based system, businesses must utilize computers and storage to host their CRM. In 2008 only 12% of businesses used cloud-based CRM solutions Cloud-based solutions weren’t always as popular as they are today. However, as CRMs grew popular, the cloud-based format proved most efficient and financially sensible.

CRM Customer Experience Statistics 2023

Most businesses implement CRM technology because it will improve their daily operations and help employees. But CRMs are also excellent at improving customer experiences. 74% of companies say CRM solutions provide improved access to customer data Companies with better access to customer data can improve profiles and offer a more personalized experience.

Personalized Marketing Statistics 2023

Customers are more likely to spend money at a specific business when they experience personalization. Here are some CRM statistics that prove why personalized marketing is something your business needs! 72% of customers will only engage with customized messaging Companies can offer personalized messages with mobile CRMs and a live chat feature on their website. Personalized messaging helps potential customers engage with your brand immediately, making it more likely to secure a sale.  80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience Most customers want to feel special when they interact with your company. And your business can only offer a personalized experience if you understand what your customer base wants.  The United States will spend an estimated $350 million on email advertising Email advertising is a popular tool because you can automate the process and schedule emails in advance—also, email advertising results in more sales. The largest share of digital marketing spending is on email marketing This statistic proves how effective email marketing is. Other digital marketing components include the following: SEO Pay per click Social media marketing Mobile Marketing Marketing Analytics Affiliate marketing CRM platforms are among the top three tools for creating personalized interactions with customers to boost loyalty CRMs offer a better, more comprehensive view of each customer, allowing businesses to create personalized and targeted ads.

CRM Sales Statistics 2023

One reason for CRM growth over the years is its impact on sales. Let’s see how CRM can help your sales reps! Sales agents report a 16% boost in customer retention after implementing CRM technology  As you’ve seen, retention rates are crucial for success. Most customers will continue buying products and services from a company if they have a good experience. When your sales agents understand your customers’ needs, it is simple to ensure they return to buy more products! CRM technology can boost sales by 29% CRMs help businesses boost sales through automation, organized data, and a streamlined sales pipeline. CRM tools can increase revenue by up to 41% per sales rep Not only does CRM software boost company-wide revenue, but it also increases revenue per sales rep. This statistic shows how much technology can help individual agents thrive!

CRM ROI Statistics 2023

One aspect that prevents some business owners from investing in CRM software is ROI. That said, they fear CRMs will take years to be profitable. However, these CRM statistics prove those beliefs incorrect! The average ROI for CRM software is $8.71 for every dollar spent This statistic proves how profitable CRMs can be! Remember, proper implementation impacts ROI and some businesses may experience higher rates. CRMs can increase profit margins by over 2% While 2% may not seem like a lot initially, any increase in profit margins is a good thing for your business! When properly implemented, the return on investment of a CRM tool can exceed 245% One thing to consider about this statistic is that implementation processes impact ROI. Also, the rate will be lower for some companies depending on various factors.

CRM Market Growth Statistics 2023

These CRM statistics will prove why CRM software is worth the investment. CRM revenue and market share are only increasing as time passes. The CRM market is expected to reach over $80 billion in revenue by 2025 CRM software is extremely profitable, and this statistic proves that point! $80 billion in revenue is unbelievable. It’s easy to see why small, medium, and large-scale businesses are eager to invest in CRM software. The CRM software market is the fastest-growing software market CRM isn’t going away anytime soon. The software allows businesses to simplify their daily operations and offer better customer-centricity. Still, it’s impressive that CRM software is the fast-growing market in the software industry!

CRM Usage Statistics 2023

Different industries use CRM, indicating how versatile and practical the software is. These CRM statistics show how widely used CRM software is worldwide. Let’s take a look! CRM usage increased from 56% to 74% from 2018 to 2019 In one year, more companies used CRM software by almost 20%! This incredible growth rate shows how fast CRM software is taking off in the business world. 55% of businesses in the United States use CRM systems More than half of all businesses in the United States utilize CRM software. And with the number of providers increasing, it’s expected this stat will only increase. Also, CRM providers continually modify and advance their software, allowing more businesses to take advantage of the technology. 52% of businesses use their CRM for calendar management Large companies with several departments have a complex calendar. There are meetings, deadlines, appointments, etc., to consider. Even small companies with ten employees or fewer can have numerous things on their schedules. Calendar management ensures everything runs smoothly.  Additionally, it allows you, as a boss, to view everything going on throughout the month. 44% of companies use their CRM system for lead scoring CRM software is an excellent tool if your company has trouble securing new clients. Data analysis allows the software to find potential customers. As a result, your sales reps spend less time searching for clients and more time converting leads into paying customers! 13% of CRM users are in the IT industry IT companies utilize CRM software for their database and analytics (primarily). Some of the key functions IT businesses benefit from CRM include the following: Sales and marketing Operations and support Data analytics and reporting CRM software is growing within the IT industry because of its various benefits. 32% of CRM users are in the professional services industry The professional services industry includes businesses like: Law offices Advertising professionals Architects Accounts Financial advisors Engineers Consultants These companies benefit from CRM software because it handles daily tasks that would otherwise distract employees from their primary objective. For instance, law offices can focus more time on building cases for their clients when they have CRM because the software handles creating reports, entering data, and sending messages. 50% of companies use their CRM system for email marketing As you saw in a previous section, email marketing is extremely beneficial for companies. Businesses can use CRM software to schedule email marketing campaigns and collect data from customers on their email lists. Some companies solely use CRM technology for email marketing features.


CRM solutions benefit companies in various industries in many ways. Some of the primary reasons businesses invest in CRM technology are because it helps boost sales, streamline communication, and provide a clearer picture of a target customer.  The CRM statistics throughout this article prove that customer relationship management (CRM) isn’t going away anytime soon. What CRM statistic were you most surprised by? Let us know in the comments section below! Good luck finding the best CRM system for your business!

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