Top 6 clock in and clock out apps in 2023

Keeping track of hourly workers accurately and efficiently sets your business up for success. You can make sure you’re not overpaying in labor while still compensating your team fairly. And staff won’t get stressed out by unnecessary scrutiny or inconvenient time tracking methods.
All this is why investing in a clock in clock out app can be a game changer. This kind of popular software can record shift times quickly and accurately with minimal hassle for your staff. However, as Google will tell you, there are hundreds of apps out there, and you have to figure out which one would work best for your business needs and preferences.
This article explores the best clock in and out apps on the market to help you make an informed choice. We take a detailed look at each option’s features, pricing, and user experience to reveal which one might work best for you.

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Track hours. Prep for payroll. Control labor costs. All with our free time clock.

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What is a clock in and clock out app? 
A clock in and clock out app is a kind of software that allows hourly workers to record their shift start and end times electronically. These apps are replacing old-fashioned time tracking methods like punch clocks and spreadsheets because they’re more accurate and convenient. Clock in apps are also difficult to tamper with, so there’s no risk of staff recording the wrong shift times or signing in for each other.
Time tracking apps vary according to industry needs, but most small business versions have the following features:

A time clock with GPS , biometric, or photo verification
A mobile app that employees can use to clock in and out
Break and attendance tracking
Staff notifications and reminders about upcoming shifts
Alerts for managers about missed breaks and no shows
Automatic timesheets
Scheduling and payroll tools

Why are clock in and clock out apps important for small businesses?
Clock in and clock out apps are important for small businesses because they’re the best way to record employee hours accurately. This has a knock-on effect across many areas of the company:

More revenue: When team members are late for work and you don’t subtract the time from their wages, unnecessary extra labor costs will add up. Clock in apps mean you only pay staff for the hours they worked.

Easier to spot patterns in attendance: Some employees have issues with punctuality, perhaps because they have a difficult commute or poor time management skills. If you can see who’s often fifteen minutes late, you can ask them why and help them solve the underlying problem.

Improved team morale: Paying employees for hours they didn’t work is unfair to staff who stick to their schedules. Some team members may become demoralized if they work harder to compensate for missing colleagues but get the same wages. But, because clock in apps mean you only pay employees from the moment they start their shifts, you eliminate this issue.

Greater insight into labor demand: Accurate timesheets show you exactly how many staff members you needed on previous shifts. That makes it easier for you to predict your labor requirements for similar shifts in the future.

More seamless data management: Most clock in apps automatically generate timesheets , so you don’t have to manually input any data yourself. That can save you from hours of paperwork and reduce stressful payroll errors.

Fewer compliance issues: Time tracking overlaps with many areas of compliance. If you accurately record hours, you’ll know when staff are approaching overtime and you need to either adjust their rate or reallocate shifts. You can also catch who’s skipping breaks and make sure they get enough rest. And if someone’s constantly late for no good reason, accurate timesheets can give you grounds for a formal warning.

6 excellent clock in and clock out apps
Although there are many time clock apps out there, these stand out above the rest:

Homebase: Best all-around app for small businesses
TimeCamp: Best for in-app tracking
Clockify: Best for tracking billable hours
Connecteam: Best for tracking traveling crews
Buddy Punch: Best for range of clock in methods
Deputy: Best for variety of integrations

1. Homebase : Best all-around app for small businesses
Homebase’s time clock app tracks hours and alerts you about issues like missed breaks and no shows.
Homebase lets employees clock into work effortlessly, records hours accurately, and creates instant timesheets. Our platform is also affordably priced, so you get a comprehensive set of human resources tools at a cost that won’t cut into your budget. Not to mention, customers compliment us on our easy setup and user-friendly interface, so you can enjoy the benefits of accurate time tracking from day one.  
Integrated timesheets and payroll
Homebase’s time clock app syncs with timesheets to give you super-accurate reports of employee hours.
Our time clock tool syncs with our built-in timesheets and payroll features. That way, you don’t have to enter the timesheet data yourself and risk inconsistencies and errors. In addition, you can use Homebase to automatically calculate wages based on:

Hours worked
Paid and unpaid breaks taken
Tips earned

Homebase timesheets also let you analyze how your business is performing, for instance, by importing sales data to compare it against labor costs and determining where you’re under or overspending on hours.
Remote time tracking and geofencing technology
If your business has on-the-go teams, checking the time they start and finish shifts can be challenging. Homebase’s time clock can track your remote workers without you having to call employees up or ask them what their colleagues are doing. You can also set up geofences around specific locations, so no one can sign in until they arrive at work. 
In addition, our time clock tool can give you a GPS snapshot of each employee’s location when they start their shifts for extra verification. That way, you can oversee teams without having to visit several work sites or asking them to travel to central locations to sign in and out of work. 
Anti-time theft and buddy punching technology
Homebase’s mobile app allows you to verify arrival times without imposing on staff.
When colleagues clock in for one another — or “ buddy punch ” as it’s often called — managers can’t tell who arrived on time and who was late. Homebase has a way to eliminate this problem. If you ask your team to download our app and clock in when they arrive at their work location, employees won’t be able to punch in for each unless they relinquish their phones. And if you think someone might try that, you can also request photo verification for an extra layer of security.
Pros and cons