Hiring Do’s and Don’ts: Evaluate Your Hiring Savvy with This Quiz!

0 % Hiring Employees Welcome to the Hiring Employees Quiz! This quiz will test your knowledge about what you as an employer should do when you hire an employee. Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? 1 / 15 1. Which of the following factors is illegal to consider during the hiring process? Education level Criminal record Marital status Disability status 2 / 15 2. Which of the following is NOT a protected characteristic under employment law? Age Sexual orientation National origin Political affiliation 3 / 15 3. What is the purpose of conducting reference checks? To confirm the information provided by the candidate To determine the candidate’s salary expectations To determine the candidate’s work schedule To determine if the candidate has a criminal record 4 / 15 4. What is the best way to assess a candidate’s skills and abilities? Conducting a skills test Ask their reference Reviewing resumes Review work samples 5 / 15 5. What is the most important factor to consider when making a hiring decision? Candidate’s personality and work ethics Candidate’s age and gender Candidate’s qualifications and skills Candidate’s salary requirements 6 / 15 6. Which of the following is NOT a required document for new employees? W-2 form I-9 form W-4 form Driver’s license 7 / 15 7. What is Form W-4 used for? A form for reporting annual income to the IRS A form for updating personal information with the employer A form for claiming tax deductions and exemptions A form used to determine the amount of federal income tax to be withheld from an employee's paycheck 8 / 15 8. Which of the following is true about Form W-4? It is only used by employees who claim to be exempt from federal income tax withholding It is used by employers to report employee wages to the IRS It must be completed by new employees within 30 days of their start date It allows employees to adjust their federal income tax withholding 9 / 15 9. As an employer, when you receive a completed Form W-4 from an employee, you need to do what with it? Keep the form on file Submit the form to the Department of Labor (DOL) Send the form to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Forward the form to the State Department of Revenue 10 / 15 10. What is the purpose of Form I-9? A form for reporting employment taxes A form for verifying an employee's eligibility to work in the United States A form for reporting employee benefits A form for documenting workplace accidents 11 / 15 11. Which of the following is an approved “A-List” form of identification for Form I-9? Driver’s License Birth Certificate Passport All of the above 12 / 15 12. Which of the following is a reason why an employee might need to update their Form I-9? The employee’s job duties have changed The employee has moved to a new state The employee has received a promotion The employee’s immigration status has changed 13 / 15 13. As an employer, when you receive a completed Form I-9 from an employee, you need to do what with it? Keep the form on file Submit the form to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Send the form to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Forward the form to the State Department of Labor 14 / 15 14. What is the purpose of an employment contract? To establish the employee’s work schedule To outline the employee’s job duties To protect both the employer and the employee To provide job security for the employee 15 / 15 15. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when determining employee compensation? 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