Interview with Kimanzi Constable: Corporate Consulting and Coaching – Small Business Show 181

Creating a lifestyle business that funds your Charmed Life is a goal for many Small Business owners. Today on the Small Business Show, we’re joined by Kimanzi Constable , business owner, author, consultant and coach who has created a lifestyle business that we can all learn from.
Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton learn how Kimanzi started out small and then built up his business as his credibility grew to the point where he typically travels to 25+ countries each year consulting for Fortune 500 corporations.
During our discussion we cover topics including how to power through being told no and being ignored, how the power of small earnings can propel you to larger profits, becoming a knowledge worker, using an email list as the core of your online business, self-marketing tips and much, much more.
Listen in and then join the discussion on the Small Business Support Group!

00:00:00 Small Business Show #181 for Wednesday, July 25, 2018
00:01:04 Kimanzi Constable
00:02:37 25 Countries per year doing his own thing
00:04:39 Vacation relief – It’s a business!
00:06:45 Corporate Consulting, Consulting Agency, and Training People to do it all

Smart Passive Income Podcast

00:09:39 180 Proposals = 36 Paid Gigs
00:11:37 Online vs. Offline Pricing
00:12:26 Be a knowledge worker
00:14:29 “Don’t ever get complacent in your successes”
00:18:05 SPONSOR: Visit for 20% off your first year.
00:19:35 Email list: the core of what I do online

Leverage Permission-based marketing

00:22:09 Self-Marketing Tips

Be transparent.
Add value.
Connect and make yourself available.

00:25:02 Managing time: 70% on business, 10% on marketing, 20% on Netflix
00:26:00 Planning each month’s content plan
00:27:37 Create a business with life balance
00:29:49 Favorite mistake: Over-reaching
00:32:07 Find Kimanzi at
00:32:58 SBS 181 Outtro

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