What Type of Leadership Leads to Small Business Success? – Small Business Show 190

Start a business and you become a leader. Not just for employees, but to your customers, suppliers and other partners. What type of leadership style creates the most successful Small Businesses? Join your hosts Dave Hamilton and Shannon Jean today to learn about different leadership styles and why you’ll need more than one type for success.
Should you be a constant cheerleader, or a steady, persistent force that your followers count on? We’ll discuss why you’ll need to be both and when it’s appropriate to use each style. You’ll hear about prioritizing relationships over tasks and how you’ll get better results from your followers this way. Shannon discusses his favorite “Mirror vs. Window” analogy for praise and accountability and Dave discusses the differences between leadership and just working hard.
We share our tips about granting autonomy, how ethics play a role in what your followers think of you and how persistence needs to be your super power. We wrap up the show with a discussion about emptying the trash and cooking lunch for your followers – always fun topics.
Listen in and then share your own leadership tips at the Small Business Support Group.

00:00:00 Small Business Show #190 for Wednesday, September 26, 2018
00:00:57 Better than the alternative
00:02:08 The definition of retirement: Dave’s Ice Cream Truck!

Bill Ready on Small Business Show

00:05:49 No results for Leadership!
00:06:36 SPONSOR: Timing , for anyone billing their hours. Visit timingapp.com/smallbusiness
00:09:13 What type of Leadership creates a successful small business?

Leadership vs. Just Working Hard

00:12:23 Setting the priorities: Dashboard-level view of your business
00:13:17 Categorize problems: systemic or one-offs
00:13:45 Cheerleader vs. Steady Hand that Leads through Crisis
00:14:48 Leverage silence
00:15:28 Spin your perspective
00:18:33 Always make a decision!
00:21:12 Openly praise, privately correct

Build a Safe, Trusting Environment

00:23:09 SPONSOR: New Square Payroll App – Everything you can do on a desktop you can do in the app. Visit Square.com/Go/SBS for More
00:25:10 Small Business Support Group
00:25:31 Managing your management: focusing on tasks vs. relationships

“These people worry about the business more than I do.”

00:27:23 Developing your people

Adjust roles to take advantage of skills and strengths
Take a genuine interest to learn who your employees are
Create an environment you enjoy!
Ask: “Do you need anything?”

00:32:11 Pay attention to the new person
00:33:23 Extend financial autonomy
00:34:17 Monitor your ethics
00:36:21 Persistence – Communicate during crisis
00:38:17 Be the janitor and the cook!
00:39:18 SBS 190 Outtro

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