Less Annoying CRM Pricing Guide 2023: Best Small Business CRM?

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Choosing the wrong one can easily result in lost leads , wasted time , and expenses that can tank your business.
I’m AJ, and I’ve spent the last decade using all kinds of tools while building my business (to a successful seven-figure exit).
My mission with Small Business Bonfire is to share the tips, tricks, and tools entrepreneurs need to start and scale their businesses .
So let’s talk about a CRM that keeps it simple with everything from pricing to features—Less Annoying CRM.
Let’s get into it!

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Small businesses

Freelancers & solopreneurs

Coaches & trainers

Marketing agencies

Sales startups


Midsize businesses

Small retailers

Who is Less Annoying CRM Not For?

Large enterprises

Software development companies

Specialized fields such as healthcare

Sales & marketing teams that require specific integrations

Less Annoying CRM Pricing Overview

When it comes to Less Annoying CRM pricing, they keep it simple . Unlike many other CRM systems on the market, they offer one paid plan designed with SMBs in mind . The monthly fee is $15 per user , and there’s no need for a lump sum payment upfront or a minimum user count. With Less Annoying CRM, you get a fixed, month-to-month plan that includes everything the platform has to offer .

Less Annoying CRM Pricing

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Bonfire Rating: 4.8/5 Less CRM keeps it simple and affordable while offering a ton of value to SMBs!

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Less Annoying CRM

Learn More Today!



Unlimited Contacts & Pipelines

Fantastic Calendar View & Sync

Comprehensive Reporting & Analytics


Try it Free Today


What is Less Annoying CRM?

Less Annoying CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed with simplicity and ease of use above all else . Its user-friendly interface and straightforward functionalities make it an excellent choice as a starter CRM (as there’s virtually no learning curve). Whether you are just starting to scale your business or just looking to streamline your current practices, this CRM offers a hassle-free experience (without needing to be a tech wizard). Less Annoying CRM offers the following features: Unlimited contact management Powerful reporting & analytics Calendar view & sync capabilities Pipeline customization and management Workspace view & customization We tested the CRM software for three months and found that it’s absolutely perfect for small and midsize businesses (SMBs). Here’s why: Efficiency: The platform offers a wide range of tools designed to increase efficiency, such as activity tracking, task reminders, and a unified desktop view. These features are invaluable for SMBs, where employees often wear multiple hats and need to stay on top of various tasks. Affordability: At $15 per user per month, Less Annoying CRM offers great value for SMBs. This price point is affordable for most small businesses, and the flexibility of a monthly plan allows for easy scaling as the business grows. Ease of use: Small businesses may not have the resources to dedicate to extensive employee training on complex CRM systems. Less Annoying CRM is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, reducing the time needed for users to get up to speed. Collaboration: SMBs often rely on teamwork and collaboration. The CRM’s shared calendar and workspace view facilitate this by providing a unified CRM software where teams can collaborate and share information seamlessly. Customer support: SMBs may not have a dedicated IT team to troubleshoot software issues. Less Annoying CRM provides excellent customer support, resolving issues quickly and ensuring that businesses can focus on their primary operations without unnecessary downtime. Overall, Less Annoying CRM is one of our favorite platforms to recommend to small businesses looking to get organized and scale !

Less Annoying CRM Features

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Contact Management

Contact management is a crucial feature of any CRM, and Less Annoying CRM shines in this department. Their system allows you to store unlimited contacts , each with as much information as you need. This makes building strong, personalized relationships with your clients easier, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty . We tested this feature extensively over three months, adding our B2B affiliate marketing contacts to Less Annoying CRM. Here's how it looked to add a new contact. Within each contact card, we could easily store the following: Files Events Groups Associated sales lead Associated projects We especially loved how easy it was to segment and filter through contacts with the platform. Check out this custom filter creator (shown below), which allowed us to fully customize our segmentation process. Combined with unlimited contacts, this makes Less Annoying CRM one of the best contact management platforms on the market . The fact that you get all of this at only $15/month almost feels too good to be true when other CRMs charge hundreds for additional contacts. We could also easily view both contact names and associated companies in separate tabs. Here's how our "companies" section looked (to give you a better idea). Overall, we were blown away when it comes to contact management with Less Annoying CRM. If you're looking to easily manage a ton of contacts, LACRM's got your back .


The workspace feature of Less Annoying CRM serves as a central hub, providing you with a comprehensive view of all your essential data. This includes the following: Pipeline analyses Upcoming tasks Activity log Day-to-day schedule Calendar events You can effortlessly personalize the layout of your workspace. Just hit the "customize" button, and you're free to enhance your dashboard by adding a new widget. Check out how we created a pipeline report widget with just one click to view our affiliate partnerships pipeline next to our sales pipeline. The dashboard has a fantastic drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to move widgets around. Using this feature, we were able to tailor our workspace to the needs of SBB within seconds . Here's a screenshot of our dashboard to give you a better idea. As you can see, everything is laid out in a way that's easy to read, which is invaluable for busy teams that need to get a quick overview of their data. Our takeaway: After using Less Annoying CRM's workspace feature for three months, we found it to be an incredibly useful tool for SMBs to get organized and increase efficiency.

Task Management

One of the standout features of Less Annoying CRM is the ability to manage tasks with ease . While most CRMs offer some form of task/activity management, Less Annoying CRM stands out because of how simple they make it. This feature proves to be a lifesaver when it comes to prioritizing and organizing the day-to-day activities of your business . Here's an example of a task we created (within seconds). We were able to add the associated contact, set a due date, and provide a description within each task. We also loved the task report, which offers additional helpful information such as the following: Task creation date Last update date Task description Completed and active tasks Here's how our task report looked (during our three months of testing). The bottom line: With Less Annoying CRM, staying on top of your responsibilities has never been easier!

Reporting & Analytics

Reporting and analytics form a pivotal component in Less Annoying CRM. The platform offers a range of insights that help evaluate progress , identify gaps , and guide data-driven decision-making . Here's what's included: Dashboard Analytics: Your dashboard offers a snapshot of essential metrics. You can view active leads, tasks, and event summaries from your home screen. Custom Reports: Less Annoying CRM enables you to create custom reports based on various parameters. Whether you want to view data on leads, tasks, contacts, or events, you can generate reports that meet your specific needs. Pipeline Reports: One of the standout features in the reporting department is the pipeline report. It allows you to track the progress of your leads and sales. You can strategize and forecast your sales by analyzing your pipeline more effectively. Task Reports: Task reports are designed to provide a detailed overview of your tasks. You can view data on task creation dates, last updates, descriptions, and the status of tasks (completed or active). This feature helps you stay on top of your responsibilities and prioritize better. Contact Reports: Contact reports enable you to monitor and analyze interactions with your contacts. It helps you better understand your customer behavior and strategize your engagement accordingly. With these robust reporting and analytics capabilities, Less Annoying CRM provides you with the essential data intelligence to drive your business growth .

Calendar View & Sync

Being able to manage your busy schedule is essential to scaling your business . If you get overwhelmed or lose track of important activities, you can't hope to make progress. That's where Less Annoying CRM's calendar feature comes in. With LACRM, you can seamlessly synchronize your day-to-day schedule with both Google and Outlook (to access your calendar from any device). Getting started with this feature was as easy as clicking the calendar tab and customizing our settings (shown below). We were able to edit the following preferences: Time zone Date format Time format First day of the week Default event duration From there, we simply clicked the calendar (shown below) and added all of our events and tasks, and that was it! We were able to navigate between the following calendar views with just a click: Day Week Month Agenda The bottom line: Less Annoying CRM provides an extremely intuitive user interface with surprising utility. And the best part? It doesn't break the bank!

Pipeline Management

Managing and customizing pipelines is another area where Less Annoying CRM really stands out. The CRM lets you effortlessly track leads and opportunities, helping to streamline the process of closing deals. Here are some ways LACRM accomplishes this: Lead tracking: With LACRM, you can easily add new leads, assign them to different pipelines, and set statuses for each lead. This way, you can always keep tabs on your opportunities and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Multiple pipelines: LACRM doesn't limit you to just one sales pipeline. You can create as many pipelines as you need to manage different areas of your business. Whether it's sales, partnerships, or customer service, you can keep everything organized and in one place. Stage customization: Each pipeline has customizable stages that let you track the progress of your leads. You can define these stages based on your unique sales process, making the tool adapt to your business, not vice versa. Helpful templates: To save you time and effort, LACRM even offers helpful templates to get you started with creating new pipelines. This way, you're not starting from scratch but instead modifying a pre-existing structure that suits your needs. Check out how easy it was for us to create a new pipeline using one of LACRM's templates (screenshot below). We went with the "opportunity" template to add our affiliate marketing opportunities during our three months of testing. From there, we started customizing our stages of the pipeline. We especially liked how, within each stage, we could customize the name, status, and color (shown below). After that, we were adding in our deals left and right. With these features at your disposal, managing your sales process has never been easier , more effective , or more organized .

Less Annoying CRM Packages

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Our Take on Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying CRM’s single plan makes navigating and managing expenses easy for businesses . The company’s transparent and straightforward pricing eliminates the need to sift through multiple plans, tiers, and add-ons, a common challenge with many CRM platforms. This simplicity reduces the decision-making burden and allows businesses to focus on what truly matters—effectively managing customer relationships and growing their business. This cost-effective solution, priced at $15 per user per month , not only provides fantastic value for its range of features but also supports business scalability .


Pros and Cons of Less Annoying CRM

In order to provide the best Less Annoying CRM review possible, it’s important to look at the pros and cons. Less Annoying CRM Pros Extremely easy to use Less Annoying CRM support is awesome Unlimited contacts & pipelines Great calendar view & sync Fantastic contact manager Affordable and transparent pricing Less Annoying CRM Cons No mobile app (although there is still mobile access via the cloud) No real automation capabilities outside of third-party apps Lacks lead capture and prospecting capabilities Lacks advanced marketing features such as landing page creation or A/B testing

Does Less Annoying CRM Have a Free Plan?

Unfortunately, Less Annoying CRM does not offer a free version . However, they do provide a robust 30-day free trial , allowing you to test out all its features (no credit card required). The free trial is an excellent opportunity for