Building Customer Loyalty and Encouraging Repeat Buyers

For Small Businesses, making the sale is only half the battle. How we handle things after the sale is crucial to developing customer loyalty and encouraging repeat buyers.

Today on the Small Business Show, your hosts Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton discuss four after-sale situations where you have a chance to impress your customer, build that loyalty and earn their repeat business for life.

We take a deep dive into each of these four after-sale factors:

Communication Shipping and Packaging Returns Warranty Claims

Join us and hear how you can turn each of these after-sale situations into opportunities to impress your customers by putting a smile on their faces and turning a potential negative situation into a positive experience.

We wrap up the show with another installment of Small Business Therapy where it’s Dave’s turn to talk about some of the issues he is having implementing video into his companies workflow. Listen in, then visit the Small Business Support Group to share your thoughts, ask questions and connect with other Small Business owners!


00:00:00 Small Business Show #233 for Wednesday, July 24, 2019
00:00:53 Intro: The Power of “No” vs. FOMO!
00:03:35 Today: after the sale opportunities
00:04:23 SPONSOR: gets you 20% off your first year
00:07:06 Hidden opportunities in customer contact
00:08:10 Opportunity: Post-sale emails
00:16:56 SPONSOR: – Get online with your .CO domain today. Register for just $5 and get 3 months of website builder and hosting services FREE at .
00:18:49 Opportunity: Shipping and Packaging
Spend some time with your box
Sticker Giant’s Boxes
00:24:34 Challenge: Digital businesses, what can you send to your customers?
00:26:52 Pitch the incentive!
00:28:57 Opportunity: Returns and Warranties
“Set policy and procedure based upon your best customer”
00:33:53 [email protected]
00:34:08 Small Business Therapy:  Dave and his videos.
00:37:49 SBS 233 Outtro
The post Building Customer Loyalty and Repeat Buyers – Small Business Show 233 appeared first on Business Brain - The Entrepreneurs' Podcast .