Expanding Your Brand and Increasing Revenue Streams

You have a successful Small Business, but want to increase revenue, expand your brand awareness and create new revenue streams. This week on the Small Business Show, your hosts Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton talk about ways to expand your business, your brand and your income.
Listen in and then meet us at the Small Business Support Group to get your questions answered and to join the conversation.

00:00:00 Small Business Show #257 for Wednesday, January 8, 2019
Part 1: The Big Picture of Expansion

Focus on whether the content is intelligible and valuable.
Just be authentic.

Add a new channel to your business

Find something your customers also need, and offer it.

Do subscriptions make sense?

Monthly recurring revenue
With subscriptions, it up to your customer to stop paying you, not up to you to ask your customer to buy from you.
Subscribe to a Volvo car!

Start a podcast

Connect with your customers

Increase your average sale/service price

Money on the table!

00:27:50 SPONSOR: TextExpander.com/podcast gets you 20% off your first year
00:29:37 Part 2: Expanding The Small Business Show
Here come the SBS Guides!

Partnerships, Hiring & Firing, Creating Content, and much more!

00:36:45 SBS 257 Outtro

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