Creating Remarkable Customer Service

Join us today on The Small Business Show as we discuss ways to make your customer service solutions remarkable. Learn about the Two Tokens concept of customer service and how it is used to diffuse conflict and get customers back on your side when problems occur. Also discussed is how to empower your employees to make the right kinds of customer service decisions, how to use templates to be sure your support messages are cohesive, and much more.

00:00:00 Small Business Show #296 for Wednesday, September 30, 2020
00:01:00 Relaunching our Facebook Group
00:01:55 Every Business is the Customer Service Business
00:04:59 Earn Loyalty: Solve Your Customers’ Problems
00:08:08 Discover Your Business’s Convenience Points
00:10:20 Two Tokens Concept of Customer Service
00:17:24 Today’s Sponsor: Please Review our Partnerships Books  

(and we’ll even reimburse you if you like!)

00:19:25 De-escalate the conflict
00:24:29 Empower your Employees
00:28:00 Make your message remarkable

Use TextExpander to invoke your magic phrases and make your customers your champions!
Use emojis and exclamation points, or whatever works for your personality.

00:33:10 Define your escalation path, including the end.

Offer a $50 Amazon Gift Card

00:38:16 Pacing and Leading your Customers
00:39:08 SBS 296 Outtro

Review the show, please!

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